EC Dental Science (ECDE) journal is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aspires to publish articles in the field of dentistry. The journal aims to spread knowledge and information on all the sciences related to dentistry like oral cavity, dental implants, dental care, dental biofilms, oral health, root canal, gingivitis, dental caries, dental floss, dental plaque, tooth decay, orthodontics, gum care, dental surgery and all the diversified topics in the field of dentistry. We desire to publish original work with regard to recent advancements and technological aspects in the field of dentistry.
EC Microbiology (ECMI) is a multidisciplinary and internationally peer-reviewed journal that covers significant advancements in the field of microbiology encompassing bacteria, viruses, archaea and all the other microbes. The journal is also concerned with publishing articles on the most outstanding worldwide research in the spectrum of microbiology. The journal also covers various themes of microbiology including biochemical, molecular genetics, physiological and also physical investigations into microbial cells and their interactions with their environments, including their eukaryotic hosts. The journal also focuses on medical microbiology, immunology, ecology and systematic, including description of novel taxa. The journal covers all aspects of microbial cells that include prokaryotes, eukaryotes and various viruses, along with the fields of general, medical and applied microbiology and virology. The journal aims to provide cutting-edge information on exciting trends emerging in the light of advances in molecular and clinical microbiology.
EC Nutrition (ECNU) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers topics relevant to nutrition and diet and also palatability of foods and their applications. The journal aims to focus on the advancements in the field of nutrition, dietetics and food sciences. EC Nutrition journal is an amazing platform to present advances in nutritional research including clinical nutrition and various technological advancements. The vision of the journal is to enhance the human well-being for a healthy society. The field of nutrition includes the study of nutrients, biomarkers for assessing the influence of dietary components on human health status. The journal explores all the aspects of nutrition some of which include energy metabolism and its regulation, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, nutritional microbiology, comparative nutrition, culinology, sports nutrition, nutritional toxicology, public health nutrition and all the relevant topics of nutritional science.
EC Neurology (ECNE) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aspires to publish articles related to worldwide research in neuroscience. The mission of the journal is to bring all relevant and major findings in the field of neurology that includes advances in neurological medicine, various neurological disorders and their treatment. The journal explores all the virtual issues in neurology. The journal focuses on advances in research and clinical care in neurology and related disciplines. The journal makes a room for information on various neurological conditions or disorders and their management like alzheimer’s disease, aneurysm, amnesia, aphasia, ataxia, autism, bipolar disorder, brain tumour, canavan disease, cerebral palsy, cushing’s syndrome, dementia, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease and all the other neurological issues.
EC Ophthalmology (ECOP) is a scientific, multidisciplinary and internationally peer-reviewed journal that aims to create a platform to publish various aspects of ophthalmology. The journal covers a wide variety of clinical trials and experimentation in diagnosing and sorting the issues with a challenge to provide the best eye care solutions. The journal is an open door for consistent research in vision care and management with an aim to provide best, safe and easily adoptable eye care practices. The journal focuses on prominent topics of ophthalmology like clinical optometry, clinical and investigative studies, treatments, surgical techniques, advanced instrumentation and diagnostic procedures and technologies, cataract and refractive surgery, ocular surface pathology, ocular surface physiology and several other intellectually challenging subjects relevant to ophthalmology.
EC Orthopaedics (ECOR) is an international, scientific journal that aims to cover all the aspects of orthopaedic surgery and treatment. The journal encompasses and targets all the issues relevant to basic and clinical research with regard to musculoskeletal issues. The journal scope also includes information regarding both surgical and nonsurgical means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumours and congenital disorders. The journal works with a mission to exchange ideas concerned with the symposium of orthopaedics, traumatology, rheumatology, arthroscopy, bone tumours and various extensive orthopaedics related topics. The journal aspires to disseminate knowledge regarding musculoskeletal disorders that helps to improve patient care.
EC Gynaecology (ECGY) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that prominently focuses on publishing articles that are related to women health and also includes topics on treatment provided to women requiring a wide range of both generalised and specialised care throughout their lives, from birth until after menopause. The relevant areas that fall under the journal scope include pre-menstrual problems, paediatric gynaecology, fertility, bladder dysfunction, acute pain, colposcopy, menopause, endometriosis, urogynaecology and all the relevant topics. The journal also focuses on advanced diagnostic procedures, leading-edge research in maternal-fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology, gynaecologic oncology, obstetrics and several other subjects corresponding to the theme of gynaecology.
EC Paediatrics (ECPE) is a multidisciplinary, internationally peer-reviewed journal that significantly focuses on advanced paediatric research including novel insights regarding paediatric medicine. The vision of the journal is to improve the aspects of child health. The journal scope constitutes of topics relevant to adolescent medicine, neonatal medicine, various diseases and their treatments and all emerging research topics in the field of paediatrics. Novel practice models and advances in paediatric research and clinical care are increasingly expanding and is an extensively challenging arena. The journal covers all the vital topics under paediatrics, with a strong desire to improve child health status globally.
EC Psychology and Psychiatry (ECPP) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of Psychology, diagnosis, management and prevention of Psychological disorders. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Psychological care and medicine. The main motto of ECPP is to bring latest developments and current research in Psychology and Psychiatry into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all aspects of Psychological disorders and therapeutic interventions.
EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine (ECPRM) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of diagnosis, management and prevention of pulmonary and associated disorders. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to respiratory care and medicine. The main motto of ECPRM is to bring latest developments and current research in pulmonology into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all aspects of respiratory diseases and therapeutic interventions.
EC Pharmacology and Toxicology (ECPT) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of Pharmacology and Toxicology. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Pharmacology and Toxicology. The main motto of ECPT is to bring latest developments and current research in Pharmacology and Toxicology into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all aspects of Pharmacology and Toxicology that mainly involves diagnosis of diseases and therapeutic interventions including interactions of chemical substances with living systems, with a view to understanding the properties of drugs and their actions, including the interactions between drug molecules and drug receptors and how these interactions elicit an effect.
EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System (ECGDS) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of Gastroenterology and Digestive System, including diagnosis, management and prevention of gastrointestinal and associated disorders. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Gastroenterology and Digestive System. The main motto of ECGDS is to bring latest developments and current research in Gastroenterology into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all the aspects of gastrointestinal disorders and therapeutic interventions.
EC Cardiology (ECCY) is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal with a goal to cover a broad spectrum of topics related to cardiology. EC Cardiology accepts both basic research and clinical papers that covers all the relevant topics on cardiology. The journal focuses on a variety of cardiology related topics that include vascular surgery, congenital heart defects, coronary artery and valve diseases, drug treatment, novel diagnostic techniques and therapies and all the arenas that fall under the scope of cardiology. The journal aims to cover advanced topics that help to spread knowledge regarding cardiovascular disease management and also the newly emerging technological advancements.
EC Anaesthesia (ECAN) is a peer-reviewed journal and is international in scope. It is comprehensive in coverage that publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of general and regional anaesthesia, pain therapy, intensive care and also several topics that falls under the related category. The technological advancements and research on equipment is also a focusing topic of the journal. The journal scope includes subjects relevant to all the aspects of anaesthesia practice including anaesthetic administration, preoperative and postoperative considerations, coexisting disease and other intrinsic and complicating factors. The journal aspires to bridge the gap between the laboratory and clinical practice of anaesthesiology and critical care that provides dossier or information regarding new insights that help in improving daily practice.
EC Endocrinology and Metabolic Research (ECEMR) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of Endocrinology and Metabolism, diagnosis, management and prevention of Endocrine and Metabolic disorders. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Endocrinology and Metabolism. The main motto of ECEMR is to bring latest developments and current research in Endocrinology and Metabolism into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all aspects of Endocrine and Metabolic disorders and therapeutic interventions.
EC Diabetes and Metabolic Research (ECDMR) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of Diabetes and Metabolism, diagnosis, management and prevention of Diabetic and Metabolic disorders. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Diabetes and Metabolism. The main motto of ECDMR is to bring latest developments and current research in Diabetes and Metabolism into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all aspects of Diabetic and Metabolic disorders and therapeutic interventions.
EC Proteomics and Bioinformatics (ECPB) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects related to Proteomics and Bioinformatics, various aspects of proteomics technologies and their application in the biosciences. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Proteomics and Bioinformatics. The main motto of ECPB is to bring latest developments and current research in Proteomics and Bioinformatics into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all the topics related to Proteins and Bioinformatics and disorders caused due to deficiency of Proteins, including treatment in such conditions.
EC Agriculture (ECAG) journal focuses to publish articles with a major emphasis on the ecology of the planet. Agriculture that is alternatively termed as farming or husbandry is an essential key for the development of sedentary human civilisation. The journal covers a wide range of agricultural topics including crop rotation, modern agronomy, plant breeding, agrochemicals and also technological advancements in the agricultural field. The journal focuses on all the relevant themes of crop science, agro ecosystem management and conservation, application of ecological, biological, engineering, and social knowledge towards the management of agricultural crops including plantation and horticultural crops. The journal solicits and publishes all the information with regard to agricultural science.
EC Bacteriology and Virology Research (ECBVR) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects related to Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, Bacterial diseases etc. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Bacteriology and Virology. The main motto of ECBVR is to bring latest developments and current research in Bacteriology and Virology into light by publishing quality and original articles.
EC Cancer (ECCA) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aspires to publish eminent quality papers in all the arenas of cancer related fields. The journal’s main focus is on the novel concepts, new methodologies, advanced regimens, novel therapeutic agents and also alternative approaches for early detection and intervention of cancer. EC Cancer journal works with a determination to show an open window of the progress in oncological sciences.
EC Veterinary Science (ECVE) is a multidisciplinary, internationally peer-reviewed journal that covers a broad spectrum of topics that include all the scientific and technological aspects under veterinary sciences like pathology, parasitology, infectious diseases, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, host-pathogen interaction in animals and all the areas focusing on veterinary field. The journal desires to provide information in an expeditious way regarding advances in veterinary sciences.
EC Pharmaceutical Science (ECPS) is a scientific, multidisciplinary journal that strongly desires to disseminate knowledge in the field of Pharmaceutical Science and technology. The journal aims to increase the visibility on Pharmaceutical Science related aspects such as drug, drug design, drug development, manufacturing, evaluation, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, proteomics, clinical pharmaceutical science, novel drug delivery, pharmacogenomics, bioinformatics , pharmacoeconomics and various Pharmaceutical Science related arenas.
EC Chemistry (ECCH) journal publishes peer-reviewed open access articles in all the arenas of chemistry that includes inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biological chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, industrial and engineering chemistry, nanochemistry, computational chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, phytochemistry and all the relevant topics. The journal desires to publish quality articles in all the thirst areas of chemistry.
EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care (ECEC) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. The main motto of ECEC is to bring latest developments and current research in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all aspects of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, diseases and therapeutic interventions.
EC Oceanography (ECOC) journal is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that focuses on a wide range of aspects related to ocean science and its applications. The journal solicits and publishes information including marine environment, fishery, marine pollution, its impact and possible effects due to marine exploitation, importance of marine resources and their role in climatic change and global warming. The emerging topics include physical oceanography, biological oceanography, marine chemistry, marine geology and geophysics and all the relevant topics under oceanography. These are the exciting times in the field of oceanography and the journal aims to publish the advances in ocean research and related disciplines that is vast and rapidly expanding.
EC Business Management (ECBM) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that is intensively committed to explore innovative thinking and also to ponder various perspectives in business management and its performance that plays an exceedingly vital role in public as well as corporate organisations. Today’s emerging global competition in this chaotic world beseeches contemporary business strategy that is possible with a unique focus on behavioural research. The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics including strategic planning, corporate governance, financial affairs, conflicts restraint, globalisation trends and various views under business management.
EC Addiction (ECAD) publishes peer-reviewed articles on various addictive behaviours and dependencies on illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling and all the relevant topics in addiction. The journal also publishes major topical issues including new psychoactive substances, alcohol pricing, alternative nicotine delivery systems and all the diversified topics in addiction. The journal includes vast potential addictions including drug abuse, exercise addiction, food addiction, computer addiction and also impaired control over substances or behaviour, pre-occupation with substance or behaviour, continued use and its consequences and denial.
EC Forensic Science (ECFO) is an international multidisciplinary journal that publishes original work with regard to various scientific disciplines pertaining to forensic sciences. The prominent themes that the journal covers include forensic pathology, histochemistry, serology, anthropology, document examination, investigations of value to public health in its broadest sense, biochemistry and chemical analyses, forensic application of advanced physical, chemical, analytical and instrumental techniques, bite mark evidence, ballistics, projectiles and wounds, fingerprints and identification, contact traces, tool marks, breath analyses, poisoning, accident investigation and mass disasters and all the forensic related arenas. The journal scope includes a wide range of clinical aspects of forensic medicine and related subspecialities.
EC Computer Science (ECCS) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on a wide range of topics relevant to computer science like computation, their implementation and applications, computable processes and structures, computational theories, computational algorithms, computational tools, methodologies for concept testing, computational statistics, database, data mining, imaging engineering, internet computing networking, scientific computing, software engineering, their applications and all the advancements in the relevant field of computer science.
EC Alternative Medicine (ECAM) is an internationally peer reviewed journal that desires to publish articles on all aspects of Alternative Medicine including diagnosis, management and prevention of diseases. The journal aims to publish clinical and experimental work on all the topics related to Alternative Medicine. The main motto of ECAM is to bring latest developments and current research in Alternative Medicine into light by publishing quality and original articles. We deal with all aspects of diseases and therapeutic interventions.
EC Biosciences & Biomedical Engineering (ECBBE) is an international open access research journal publishing original full-length research paper, Letters to the Editor, reviews, case reports, opinions, etc. ECBBE is passionate to disseminate the knowledge about Biosciences & Biomedical Engineering throughout the globe. It contains articles about advancements in biology and research findings broadly concerned with the applications and activities of science to clinical medicine.
EC Interior Designing & Civil Engineering (ECIC), is a scholarly e-journal, greatly focused towards the swift Publication of Commentary’s, Short communications, Original Research Papers, on all fields related to Interior Designing & Civil Engineering. These submissions are encouraged from civil engineers, Construction engineers, Geotechnical engineers, Structural engineers, Transportation engineers, meteorologists, designers, educators, anthropologists, historians, psychologists, architects, sociologists, or others interested in these two fields.
EC Clinical & Medical Case Reports (ECCMC) is a multidisciplinary journal whose main motto is to enhance the comprehensive knowledge on new cases that are emerging in medical & clinical field, ultimately focusing on exclusive detailed report on symptoms, diagnosis, therapy’s and preventions of the unknown newly evolved cases. ECCMC aids as a growing depot for all these unique cases covering all accepts of health. This Journal is an online, peer reviewed journal devoted to the publication of unique case reports and intended to pay attention in the elaboration of clinical & medical knowledge. Hence, we cordially invite doctors, health care professionals & researchers to participate, read & share the placed case reports.
EC Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering (ECFT) is a bimonthly interdisciplinary journal that mainly emphasis on fashion art & textile processing research, as the clothing is the essential need of the humans, its application in this modern era plays a very crucial role in our day to day life. ECFT encourages authors to participate with their practical & theoretical studies in the refereed publications on Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering related practices. ECFT calls the authors to submit their original research, case study, opinions, perspectives, short communication or commentaries. The results and discoveries that are published are openly accessible and are helpful for future researchers to acquire the knowledge easily.
EC Nursing & Healthcare (ECNH) is a scholarly refereed open Journal, that publishes manuscripts that are edited by highly expertise peer reviewers not only in the field of nursing but also in all aspects of the health care portal. ECNH ease is to spread knowledge by publishing not only the original research, but also commentaries, short communications, reviews, letter to editors, concepts, perspectives, opinions, and other types. As this journal had the international readers, authors and editorial board members publishing in this journal will help you with the high visibility of your paper throughout the globe. This journal covers the broad range of areas in nursing & health care together with palliative care, Nursing informatics, primary & secondary patient care etc.
EC Humanities & Social Sciences (ECHSS) is an international open access journal that endeavor to deliver the scholarly, peer reviewed articles globally without any barriers so that it can be easily read by the global scholars. To achieve this ECHSS enthusiastically welcoming the researchers, doctors, scientists, scholars any person related to this research area to contribute their practical or theoretical original research, case studies, commentaries, reviews, short communications, opinions and other paper that illuminate the future generations with their ideal concepts. This journal not only restricted to the humanities, but also covers the wide range of fields of social sciences like psychology, anthropology, cultural studies, archeology and others that are related.
EC Medical and Clinical Pathology (ECMCP) is a professionally edited, peer reviewed journal that deals with the present ongoing research & therapeutics in the medical and clinical Pathology. We are ardent to illuminate the future generation by publishing the present generations investigations. ECMCP encouraging the clinical, medical and other pathologists to submit their innovations in the form of original research, reviews, commentary’s, opinions, short communications, concepts, clinical blogs, etc., eventually making the papers available to read easily by the universal readers.
EC Technical & Scientific Research (ECTSR) is a multidisciplinary open journal that publishes any type of manuscripts like original research, reviews, case studies, concepts, perspectives, and other types in the diverse fields of sciences, technology and engineering. The published article will mostly have dealt with the research application of the science and technology in ongoing research and their application in the development of new technologies. These papers are technically peer reviewed by the professionals in this field to ensure the quality, originality, significance and availability of these reports. We also ensure the authors that by publishing your article in ECTSR make them highly available for the scientific communities as they are easily distributed globally.
EC Clinical & Experimental Anatomy (ECCEA) is a professionally edited internationally reviewed journal that gives a research platform to the scholars, researchers, doctors and other professionals to spread practical and theoretical knowledge in the form of research, reviews, commentaries, letters, communications, book reviews, etc., with the universal readers. ECCEA is contented to publish the research outputs in the various fields of anatomy emphasizing on the base line data for the clinical and experimental areas ultimately leading to the high standards of the paper.
EC Ecology & Environmental Science (ECEES) is a bimonthly academic Journals that publishes original papers, book reviews, invited review articles, perspectives, Opinions, and other types. Its focus is to archive observative and analytical concepts that publicize the knowledge for the future academicians, researches & scientists in the field of Ecology & Environmental science. ECEES helps the ecologist & environmental scientists in the examination of ecological & environment related problems in relation of individual, population, community, ecosystem and landscape echelons. ECEES gives priority to the articles that visibly coherent their relevance in the fields of ecology & environmental studies.
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