EC Neurology

Impact Factor: 1.782


Journal Info

Journal : EC Neurology
Current Issue : Volume 17 Issue 2 - 2025
Publication Date : February 01, 2025
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blinded Peer Review
Email :


EC Neurology (ECNE) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aspires to publish articles related to worldwide research in neuroscience. The mission of the journal is to bring all relevant and major findings in the field of neurology that includes advances in neurological medicine, various neurological disorders and their treatment. The journal explores all the virtual issues in neurology. The journal focuses on advances in research and clinical care in neurology and related disciplines. The journal makes a room for information on various neurological conditions or disorders and their management like alzheimer’s disease, aneurysm, amnesia, aphasia, ataxia, autism, bipolar disorder, brain tumour, canavan disease, cerebral palsy, cushing’s syndrome, dementia, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease and all the other neurological issues.

Aim and Scope

EC Neurology (ECNE) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aspires to publish articles related to worldwide research in neuroscience. The mission of the journal is to bring all relevant and major findings in the field of neurology that includes advances in neurological medicine, various neurological disorders and their treatment. The journal explores all the virtual issues in neurology. The journal focuses on advances in research and clinical care in neurology and related disciplines. The journal makes a room for information on various neurological conditions or disorders and their management like alzheimer’s disease, aneurysm, amnesia, aphasia, ataxia, autism, bipolar disorder, brain tumour, canavan disease, cerebral palsy, cushing’s syndrome, dementia, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease and all the other neurological issues.

Neurology is one of the broad topic on which exciting research is being carried out. The journal covers all the aspects of neurology and aims to create a platform for the scientific community to carry out significant and advanced research that helps to treat complicated neurological disorders. The journal updates over a wide range of disciplines ultimately converging the research in neurological science.

Major subject areas of interest in neurology include, but are not restricted to the following fields :

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Cerebral palsy, Chromosomopathies, Congenital malformations, Epilepsy, Multiple sclerosis, Clinical neuropsychiatry, Parkinson's disease, Paediatric neurology, Peripheral neuropathy, Stroke, Trauma, Behavioral neuroscience, Cognitive neuroscience, Molecular neuroscience, Clinical neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, Neuroimmunological diseases, Vascular neurology, Interventional neurology, Movement disorders, Infectious diseases of central nervous system, Molecular neurobiology, Seizures, Bell's palsy, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Encephalitis, Fibromyalgia, Huntington disease, Lyme disease, Myasthenia Gravis, Neurofibromatosis, Status epilepticus, Transient ischemic attack, Trigeminal neuralgia, West Nile virus, Membrane physiology, Developmental neurobiology, Neuroanatomy, Neurochemistry, Neuropharmacology, Systems electrophysiology, Imaging and Mapping techniques, Cognitive science, Alzheimer's disease, Migraine, Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Autism, Stroke and Traumatic brain injury, Neuropsychology, Neuroplasticity. The journal covers all the research topics related to neurology.

EC Neurology journal is an open window welcoming original submissions in all the aspects of neurology at

Latest Articles

Research Article

Assessing Cognitive and Behavioral Deficits in Children with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1: A Pilot Study

Sam Geuens, Jurgen Lemiere, Nathalie Goemans and Liesbeth De Waele. 17(2): 01-10.

Review Article

Neurospirituality Connectome - Role in Neurology and Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS)

Kenneth Blum, Eric R Braverman, Milan Makale, Foojan Zeine, A Kenison Roy 111, Jag Khalsa, David E Smith, David Baron, Nicole Jafari, Debasis Bagchi, Catherine A Dennen, Abdalla Bowirrat, Albert Pinhasov, Panyotis K Thanos, Keerthy Sunder, Kevin T Murphy, Miles R Makale, Edward J Modestino, Kai-Uwe Lewandrowski, Alireza Sharafshah, Igor Elman, Aryeh Pollack, Chynna Levin, Rossano Kepler Alvim Fiorelli, Sergio Schmidt, Alex PL Lewandrowski, Shaurya Mahajan, Daniel Gastelu, Gianni Mar- tire and Rajendra D Badgaiyan. 17(2): 01-25.

Case Study

Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Soul Mandalas

Srishti Bhatt, Amita Puri, Shivam Gupta, Bhanuja Gauba, Kumud Aneja, Sami Alam, Astha Puri and Khushpinder Pal Sharma. 17(2): 01-07.


Preventing the Stroke Storm: Insights from the 2024 Guidelines

Saumya Harsh Mittal and Salony Mittal. 17(1): 01-03.

Research Article

Pallido-Thalamic Tractotomy with Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRg-FUS) in Parkinson’s Disease Patients

Gabriel Salazar Tortolero, M Azaruy, J Tercero and J Rumia Arboix. 17(1): 01-08.

Review Article

Passing the Wave - How Does the Action Potential Pulse Pass Between Axons and Dendrites?

William Winlow, Gianluca Polese and Andrew S Johnson. 17(1): 01-05.

Mini Review

Deciphering Special Abilities in Apert Syndrome Using Neuropsychological Psychodiagnostics

Ashima Nehra, Ruchita Hazrati, Rhythm Makkar, Achal Srivastava and Minu Bajpai. 17(1): 01-07.

Short Communication

Shogaols as Epigenetic Compounds

Vladimir Badmaev. 17(1): 01-02.

Clinical Review

Early Diagnostics of Meningioma of the Sella Turcica Region

Vyacheslav G Podsevatkin, Mikhail O Chepoy, Denis V Baranov, Svetlana V Kiryukhina and Dmitriy A Labunskiy. 17(1): 01-05.