Reviewer recommendations

To improve the manuscript's quality, peer reviewers are asked to look for the following requirements.

  • The study should be unique and present the findings of original research. It is a requirement that the provided results not be made public in any way.
  • The research topic should be more advanced than previously published work.
  • The work's potential relevance in the present and the future.

Peer reviewer’s exercise while evaluating the assigned manuscript:

  • Give your opinion on the article's quality and the section of the article that needs to be improved.
  • Make a list of the manuscript's strong and weak points.
  • Make your useful comments about how to enhance the article to the author.
  • Describe why you believe the article is deserving of rejection.
  • Reviewers are asked to refrain from making any individualised statements that could be construed as prejudiced.
  • Ensure that the peer review process is kept confidential.
  • Carry out the peer review with consistency and impartiality in mind.
  • During the specified time frame, complete the peer review analysis.