Author Guidelines

We ask that writers submitting manuscripts to ECronicon match the desired publication criteria so that we can move forward as quickly as possible. The following guidelines should be followed by authors when writing their articles.

  • The authors should submit their work in Microsoft Word format.
  • A cover letter should be included with the article. The following sections contain information on the cover letter.
  • The article should be written in a single column format using the Cambria font style and a font size of 12 points.
  • Keep the layout of the text as minimal as feasible.
  • Equations and formulae should be understandable, and they should be written using equation editing software such as Math Type.
  • All the images should be high-resolution, preferably 300 dpi.
  • The MLA referencing style should be used when citing sources.
Guidelines for composing a manuscript

Please review the author checklist below before submitting your work.

1. Send a cover letter

2. Author names and affiliations

3. Title

4. Keywords and Abstract

5. Use of abbreviations

6. Provide an overview/ introduction part

7. The use of appropriate headings

8. Deliberation/ Discussion

9. Concluding thoughts

10. Thank you notes (If any)

11. Bibliography

1. Send a cover letter

The corresponding author is required to prepare a cover letter describing how the work is appropriate for publishing in ECronicon. The cover letter should include signatures from all authors and state that the article has not been published elsewhere or conveyed for the purpose of any other publication other than ECronicon. If the article's author is a student, it is recommended that he or she obtain approval from the institution's department before submitting the paper.

Download the cover letter by clicking here
2. Author names and affiliations

Include the full names of all writers, with the corresponding author's name denoted by an asterisk (*). Also include the associated author's name, affiliation, e-mail and contact number. For all the authors, mention Department, University/Organisation, City, State and Country.

3. Title

The title should be specific and relevant to the article's topic. Do not use abbreviations in the title and write it in title case (capitalise all the words except prepositions, articles and conjunctions). Italics should be used for all species/botanical names.

4. Keywords and Abstract

Give a minimum of 4-6 keywords. Abstract should be no more than 350 words long and it should provide a concise summary of the major topics. If possible, avoid utilising acronyms and do not include any citations.

5. Use of abbreviations

All abbreviations should be specified..

6. Provide an overview/ introduction part

The beginning is your chance to persuade readers and reviewers that your study topic is interesting and that your paper deserves their time.

7. The use of appropriate headings

Offer appropriate headers for the text, and we also ask that authors number the headings for clarity.

8. Deliberation/ Discussion

The objective of the discussion section is to explain any new understanding or insights that occurred as a result of your study and to interpret and characterise the importance of your results in connection to what was already known about the research problem being studied.

9. Concluding thoughts

The conclusion of a paper is where you wrap up your thoughts and leave a lasting impact on the reader. Its main objective is to restate the research challenge that the study addresses. Make a summary of your main points or findings.

10. Thank you notes

This is the part where you express your gratitude to those who helped you with your project.

11. Bibliography

References for your paper should only be published manuscripts. At the end of the text, authors are asked to offer a sequential list of references.

Symbols and units

When referring to alpha (α), beta (β), mu (µ), pi (π) and other symbols, please use the International System of Units (SI Units).


All images should be high-resolution, preferably 300 dpi. All figures must be cited in the text, and authors must specify where they should be placed in the text. Figure captions must be presented in a logical order at the end of the article. Please do not submit any previously copyrighted figures unless you have received specific written permission from the copyright holder to publish them under the CCAL.


Also include tables in the text with relevant captions at the end of the article.

Download the manuscript template by clicking here.

ECronicon's content is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. We offer the corresponding author the authority to make any required revisions, and he/she will act as our guarantor for the paper. ECronicon offers all users the right to access the content that is published, as well as the encouragement to use the data for any sane and non-commercial purpose, provided that proper authorship and ownership of the rights are properly attributed.

Types we publish

ECronicon gladly accepts all types of original literature, including research articles, review articles, mini-reviews, case reports, short communications, opinions, letters to the editor, symposiums, commentaries, perspectives, conceptual papers, proceedings, news letters and any other genuine dossier worthy of publication.

Within 24 hours of submission, the author receives an acknowledgement e-mail confirming receipt of the piece (If you do not receive an acknowledgement e-mail, please contact us at

Article Processing Flowchart
Article Processing Charge (APC)

The Article Processing Charge (APC) has been created by ECronicon to be very low and affordable, making it possible and convenient for all researchers to publish their outstanding work without any barriers or obstacles. Please review the following list for information on the processing fee.

Article type Proposed APC
Research Article $ 499
Review Article $ 499
Mini Review $ 449
Short Communication $ 449