EC Pharmacology And Toxicology

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 10 - 2024

Is it Possible to Emancipate the Media from General Madness

Fahira Fejzić Čengić*

Department of Journalism/Communicology, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
*Corresponding Author: Fahira Fejzić Čengić, Department of Journalism/Communicology, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Received: September 19, 2024; Published: October 21, 2024

The paper analyzes the crisis of postmodernity and its presentation in the mass media, which more and more often has elements of snobbery. It is based on the analyzes and questioning of Urlich Beck and his diagnostic concept of modern societies as risk societies on the one hand, and Amin Malouf as the author of the metaphor about modernity as a kind of madness of the world, on the other. Both authors strongly position the role of mass media and their media powers in modern societies. A significant part of the responsibility for a kind of social "madness" as the conference we are following is titled - the authors contribute precisely to them-media. No one so murderously breaks, crushes and splits the world of wholeness and truth than the media, while they are in their 'perverted role', as Yurgen Habermas would say.

The treasure of wisdom that precedes history cannot be lost, but it is wrapped in countless veils that hide this treasure. Therefore, in this truly enlightened age, it is necessary to remove these veils and reveal truths, using the emancipatory mass media, as opposed to the mass media of perversion, as the same author calls them.

 Keywords: Risk Society; The Media; The World's Madness; Madness

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Fahira Fejzić Čengić. “Is it Possible to Emancipate the Media from General Madness.” ”. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology  12.10 (2024): 01-08.