EC Psychology And Psychiatry

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 9 - 2023

Virtual Reality for the Rehabilitation of Executive Function in Acquired Brain Injury: A Scoping Narrative Review

Jordano-de-Castro Alejandra and Torralba-Muñoz José-María*

NeuroLab, Spain
*Corresponding Author: Torralba-Muñoz José-María, AGREDACE, Neurolab, Granada, Spain.
Received: August 26, 2023;; Published: September 08, 2023

This article presents a narrative scoping review of studies on intervention tools for cognitive rehabilitation of executive functions in acquired brain injury. The aim has been to identify the latest advancements of virtual reality applied to the field of neurorehabilitation in acquired brain injury. The review has been carried out following the PRISMA protocol; three databases have been selected from which articles were selected according to established criteria. This yielded a final selection of 14 articles that have been used for the purpose of this narrative scoping review. The literature reviewed in the present article suggests that VR-based intervention protocols for the rehabilitation of executive function have potential to significantly contribute to the field of neurorehabilitation. While challenges and limitations persist, positive trends were observed across diverse patient groups, equipment, software, and severity of ABI.

 Keywords: Virtual Reality Acquired Brain Injury; Executive Function; Dysexecutive Syndrome; Stroke; Traumatic Brain Injury