EC Psychology And Psychiatry

Mini Review Volume 12 Issue 10 - 2023

Qigong, Self-Healing, One of the Ways to Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle

Rozin VM*

Doctor of Philosophical Science, Chief Researcher Institute of Philosophy RAS, Russia
*Corresponding Author: Rozin VM, Doctor of Philosophical Science, Chief Researcher Institute of Philosophy RAS, Russia.
Received: September 29, 2023; Published: October 27, 2023

The article discusses contemporary interest in the practice of qigong and the nature of the latter. On the one hand, the statements of Danila Susak, the world champion in health qigong, are cited, on the other hand, the doubts of a number of Russian doctors and psychologists who draw attention to the uncertainty and even mythological nature of the central concepts of qigong - “qi”, “channels”, “points”. The author also raises several questions regarding the concept of qigong. He then takes an excursion into the history of Chinese qigong, showing that initially statements about qigong were obtained on schems, and the schem of water channels that were created to irrigate fields in agriculture was taken as the main diagram for understanding what happened in the practice of qigong. The concept of a scheme and the features of the scheme, which has become the main one in qigong, are characterized. The concept of domestic psychologists of channels and points in qigong as “functional organs” is discussed. The author then outlines his own concept of qigong, based on his teaching about psychic realities. He claims that in the practice of qigong, a second pyramid of realities is formed, blocking the existing one with its problems and illnesses. This new pyramid of realities suggests a different way of life. The question is raised whether qigong, as presented by the author, can be integrated into modern social life. In the author’s opinion, the strategy should be different: not to create pockets of new life in the existing sociality that may conflict with what already exists, but to immediately work on the “correct life”, including qigong in it for those who want it (at the same time understanding the right life requires discussion and social consensus).

 Keywords: Qigong; Lifestyle; Energy; Channels; Movements; Thought Forms; Organism; Vital Activity; Formation; Self-Healing

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Rozin VM. “Qigong, Self-Healing, One of the Ways to Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle” ”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry  12.10 (2023): 01-07.