EC Psychology And Psychiatry

Case Series Volume 12 Issue 10 - 2023

Eternal Problems of New Clients of Private Psychological Consultation. Case Analysis

Aleksandr F Bondarenko*

Professor, Private Practicing Psychologist, Kiev National Linguistic University, Ukraine
*Corresponding Author: Aleksandr F Bondarenko, Professor, Private Practicing Psychologist, Kiev National Linguistic University, Ukraine.
Received: September 18, 2023; Published: October 18, 2023

Since the prophetic figure of the late K. Marx was replaced in the same status by the figure of the late Z. Brzezinski, and the role of the intellectual leader of the revolutionary youth imperceptibly passed from Che Guevara to J. Sharp, the nature of traditional geopolitical wars, without changing its essence (struggle for resources and power), has imperceptibly changed [1,2]. Now the main instrument has become not special “detachments of workers”, but special detachments from ethnic groups, as well as a common task - not the construction of one paradise on earth called “communism”, but an extensive set of goals that includes existentialist values - freedom, dignity, life, political ones - democracy, “fight against corruption”, independence, post-humanist - gender plurality, artificial intelligence, cloning, implantation of microchips under the skin and periodic organ transplantation, and in addition - the “green agenda”, the cluster of which includes: the fight against hydrocarbons, nuclear power plants, the transition from protein foods to organic insects, and the general abandonment of organic food in favor of hydroponics and genetically modified soybeans. It is clear that all this struggle and all these slogans in no way relate to their authors and customers of this entire struggle for a “new wonderful world”, but are intended primarily for the people, and all countries that are not included in the so-called “golden billion”, since the ideology of R. Malthus was not only not canceled, but, on the contrary, is still professed to this day. And all the achievements of psychotherapy of the twentieth century (from psychoanalysis to humanistic) are used only as educational material to support established myths about partnership, the importance of dialogue, getting rid of complexes and overcoming childhood traumas, while the true ways of influencing people are: the destruction of traditional education, narrow functional approach to a person, total advertising and propaganda in the interests of ruling groups that gain power over a person almost from infancy, extreme technologization of the human body and consciousness. If, even putting aside the problem of mass drug addiction, we simply mention the deliberate design of infectious agents capable of causing mass epidemics, we will, unfortunately, have to state: the conviction of the Enlightenment, brilliantly expressed in Voltaire’s famous aphorism “Everything goes for the best in this best of worlds” today has been completely crossed out by the policies of the last century.

And in this total war for dominance over the minds and bodies of earthlings, ordinary people who had the misfortune at one time to read E. Hemingway and A. de Saint- Exupéry, F. Dostoevsky and A. Chekhov, listen to L. Beethoven and P. Tchaikovsky, fell in love with Charles Ives and O. Messiaen, and not secondary products of the electronic musical noise conveyor, problems arise that are absolutely far from the tired “childhood traumas”, “irrational cognitive attitudes”, awareness of the “here and now” and other such notions. Simply because the reality in which humans are replaced by robots, personal sexual relationships are replaced by commercial sex, instead of full-fledged classes - online learning, instead of dialogue, contracts and partnerships - bribery, robbery, fraud and, finally, not cold, but hot wars, i.e. officially sanctioned mass extermination of people in the name of someone's group interests, this reality does not give people the opportunity to live their lives with dignity as their own, personal, and not programmed by incentives imposed from outside. This social reality, puts people face to face with the problems of survival and personal salvation, preserving their identity, their “I”, their culture despite the dominance of propaganda and advertising, despite mass coercion - not only physical, but also mental - to total submission and obedience, to the abandonment of one’s own “I” in favor of a piece of bread and a roof over one’s head, no matter what price one has to pay for it.

In this article I would like to present in case form analysis two typical cases, in a generalized form, representing two strategies of behavior of people in the extreme situation in which they find themselves due to the above reasons.

 Keywords: Eternal Problems; New Clients; Private Psychological Consultation, Existential Experience

  1. Brzeziski Z. “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives”. Publisher Basic Books (1997).
  2. Sharp G. “Dorm Dictatorship to Democracy”. Group (UK) Ltd. CPI (2012).
  3. Kraieva O. “Psychological features of the identity of persons displaced from the occupied territory of Ukraine”. Bulletin of National Defense University of Ukraine6 (2022).
  4. Vasiliuk F. “Ponimayuschaya psychotherapy kak psihotehnicheskaya system”. Peter (2022).
  5. Bondarenko F. “Eticheskiy personalism”. Alfa-Reklama (2014).

Aleksandr F Bondarenko. “Eternal Problems of New Clients of Private Psychological Consultation. Case Analysis” ”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry  12.10 (2023): 01-08.