Volume 11 Issue 1


Hospital Malnutrition: A Reality

Omar Abdel-lah Fernández. 11(1): 01-03.

Research Article

The Effect of a Six-Month Physical Activity and Nutrition Education Program on Biochemical Health Parameters, Physical Activity and Body Composition in Healthy Young Women

Roberto Ramírez-Domínguez, Teresa Mingo, M Ángeles Ferrer Pascual, Isabel Bayona, Francisco Navas and Lucía L Pérez- Gallardo. 11(1): 04-12.

Mini Review

Nutritional Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis in Pediatric Patients

Vardakastani Dionysia. 11(1): 13-16.

Research Article

Increased Milk Consumption May Improve Body Composition and Bone Health Among Pre-Pubertal Children

Marlena C Kruger, Tahibia Awan, Raewyn Poulsen and Barbara Kuhn-Sherlock. 11(1): 17-29.


Nutrition and Physical Activity: The Way Forward

Helen Clark MA. 11(1): 30-32.

Research Article

Measurement of Total Sodium Alginate in Restructured Fish Products Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

Huisuo Huang, Ingolf U Grün, Mark Ellersieck and Andrew D Clarke. 11(1): 33-45.