EC Nutrition

Editorial Volume 19 Issue 5 - 2024

The Bug is a Feature Pt 4: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Paul Clayton*

Visiting Professor, Department of Preventative and Personal Medicine, Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Moscow, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Paul Clayton, Visiting Professor, Department of Preventative and Personal Medicine, Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Moscow, Russia.
Received: April 05, 2024; Published: April 18, 2024

‘Good fences’ is lifted, of course, from Robert Frost’s sinewy poem Mending Wall. Written in 1914, as fences were starting to fall across Europe, Africa and the Middle East, it reflects an elemental truth. Diversity may or may not be strength but division definitely is definition, identity, integrity and function. And so it is in us.

 Keywords: Food Supply Chain; Climate Change; Artificial Intelligence; Business Models; Global Circular Debt; Covid 19 Pandemic; Natural Health; Science Principles; Food as Medicine; Microbiota; Commensals; Gut Barrier; Mucous Layer; Blood Brain Barrier; Allergy; Autoimmunity

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Paul Clayton. “The Bug is a Feature Pt 4: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors”. EC Nutrition  19.5 (2024): 01-09.