EC Nutrition

Case Report Volume 14 Issue 11 - 2019

Prolonged Icterus in the Course of Galactosemia Presentation of a Case

Ursula Hilaria Carrillo Estrada1*, Rosa María García Nieblas2, Nancy Dueñas Gobel1, Silvia Clariris Roche Case1, Geleny Marìa Alonso Sánchez1, Cecilia Margarita Castañeda Garcìa2, Georgina Marìa Zayas Torriente3, Annie Sanabria Villar1 and Dainet Abreu Soto3

1Borras Marfan University Pediatric Hospital, Cuba

2Manuel Fajardo Faculty of Medical Sciences, Cuba

3National Institute of Hygiene Epidemiology and Microbiology, Cuba
*Corresponding Author: Ursula Hilaria Carrillo Estrada, Borras Marfan University Pediatric Hospital, Cuba.
Received: December 07, 2018; Published: October 24, 2019

Male patient of 7 months admitted to the Pediatric Service of the Institute of Gastroenterology, for yellowing of the skin and mu- cous membranes, diarrhea and weight loss, as a result of a third pregnancy of parents without a degree of consanguinity, delivery at term, physiological, weight and size appropriate for gestational age, APGAR 9/9; He presented prolonged icterus without apparent complications. A history of multiple admissions due to complicated diarrheal diseases. Among the clinical signs of interest, the yellowish color of the skin and mucous membranes is remarkable, as well as a marked decrease in the panniculus adipose, the globular abdomen and the hepatomegaly of 5 cm. of fine edges. In the interrogation, made to the mother, it was known that the symptoms began with the introduction of breastfeeding, characterized by vomiting and diar- rhea. Metabolic disease was suspected and it was consulted with the Hospital Pedro Borras Nutrition, indicating a urine test in which galactose appears, later it was indicated, quantification of galactose in blood that showed values ​​ of 20 mg/dl and enzymatic activity whose values ​​ were 4.3 u/gHb, conclusive of galactosemia. Dietary treatment was indicated, excluding dairy products and their derivatives, appreciating clinical, anthropometric and bio- chemical improvements. In the follow-up controls, elevated levels of pyruvic transaminase (30 IU) were found, which motivates their re-entry, detecting a transgression in the diet. Adjustment of the daily intake is made, with a satisfactory evolution.

keywords: Galactosemia; Enzymatic Activity; Dietary Therapy Treatment

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Ursula Hilaria Carrillo Estrada., et al., “Prolonged Icterus in the Course of Galactosemia Presentation of a Case”. EC Nutrition  14.11 (2019): 96-100.