EC Nutrition

Review Article Volume 17 Issue 7 - 2022

Features of the Development of the Fungus Medusomyces gisevi at the Initial Stage of Cultivation and its Mathematical Description

VB Tishin* and RA Fёdorova

Dr. Tech. Sciences, Russia

*Corresponding Author: VB Tishin, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Russia.
Received: June 03, 2022; Published: June 23, 2022

In experimental and theoretical studies of the cultivation of the tea mushroom Medusomyces gisevi, the features of the kinetics of the development of the tea mushroom at the initial stage of cultivation are of particular interest. This approach to the study of kinetic patterns of mushroom development is due to several reasons. Firstly, at this time, the formation of the general chemical composition of the mushroom infusion begins; secondly, it is important to find the time of transition from one stage to another; thirdly, information about such studies in the literature is extremely rare.

Based on previously performed experimental studies, the selection of equations describing the kinetics of acid formation in the culture medium was carried out. The analysis of equation (3), as well as its derivatives (4), (5), made it possible to establish three periods of mushroom development in the initial stage of cultivation and determine their time limits. According to the location of characteristic points on the graphs, an explanation of the features of the physical and biological processes occurring in the culture medium during each of the periods is given.

According to the location of characteristic points on the graphs, an explanation of the features of the physical and biological processes occurring in the culture medium during each of the periods is given. The main reason for the three-period development of the fungus is the presence of oxygen dissolved in the culture medium. It is in the first 2 - 3 hours of cultivation that there is a sharp drop in the concentration of oxygen and the pH of the medium from the maximum values to the minimum, with the simultaneous formation of high-activity acids.

Keywords: Cultivation; Fungi Medusomyces gisevi; Fungi Rice; Kinetics; Mathematical Model

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VB Tishin and RA Fёdorova. Features of the Development of the Fungus Medusomyces gisevi at the Initial Stage of Cultivation and its Mathematical Description. EC Nutrition 17.7 (2022): 01-11.