Volume 2 Issue 5


The Importance of Case Reports in Medical Education

Hamid-Reza Moein, Rana Ismail, Heba Mahmoud and Mohamed S Siddique. 2(5): 187-188.

Case Series

Reporting Dynamics of Community Health Nursing Process through a Case Study of an Urban Community

Sarmad Muhammad Soomar*, Anmol Minaz and Komal Sabir Dayani. 2(5): 189-197.

Case Report

A Case Report of Malignant Renal Tumor Associated with Genetic Disorders

C Caridad Verdecia Cañizares, Magda Alonso Pírez, Alina García García, Yeidi Reyes Montero and Odelay Gómez Marrero. 2(5): 198-203.


Hospitalists as Surgical Comanagers

Meltiady Issa. 2(5): 204-205.

Case Report

Radiofrequency Ablation as Early Treatment for Extensive Chronic Radiation Proctitis or Rescue for Refractory Disease

Mohamad Suki, Amani Beshara, Fadi Abu-baker, Baruch Ovadia, Oren Gal and Yael Kopelman. 2(5): 206-209.

Case Series

Three cases of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome in a Family

Tania Tofail, Mohammad Fariduddin, Tahniyah Haq, Shahjada Selim, Sharmin Jahan, Murshed Ahamed Khan, Marufa Mustari, Hurjahan Banu and Muhammad Abul Hasanat. 2(5): 210-216.

Case Report

Noonan Syndrome and Hyperexcitability and Attention Deficit (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Comorbidities. Clinical Study of One Case

Orlando J Castejón, Galindez P, Casanova, L, Torres IA, Villasmil A and Salones de Castejón M. 2(5): 217-221.

Case Report

Coombs Positive Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Challenging Case Report and Clinical Review

Ghada ElGohary, Fatimah AlShalati, Yazeed Bajuaifer, Farjah H Algahtani, Khaled AlSaleh. 2(5): 222-231.

Case Report

Diffuse Leptomeningeal Glioneuronal Tumor in Child. Case Report

Natrusova NV, Shchederkina IO, Kubirov MS, Margaryan SN, Tiganova OA and Petriaikina EE. 2(5): 180-186.

Case Report

Isolated Adrenal Insufficiency in a Patient with Melanoma on Nivolumab

Samantha K Newman, Melissa Wilson and Nidhi Agrawal. 2(5): 236-239..

Case Report

Cytological and Histological Findings of an Extraskeletal Chondroma in the Temporal Region

Sana Ahuja, Priyanka Gogoi, Preeti Diwaker and Vinod Kumar Arora. 2(5): 245-249.

Case Report

Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour of the Small Bowel - A Case Report

Kailas Bhandarkar P, Hemanshi Shah, Shallika Jayaswal, Sudhir Sighvi, Keshava Murthy and Omprakash Makhija. 2(3): 140-143.