Volume 7 Issue 4

Research Article

Laying Hen Production and Egg Quality: Short Term Feeding with Sunflower Seed Meal and Probiotics

Yasir Ditta, Sadia Naseem, Ketwee Saksrithai and Annie J King.

Research Article

Source of Selenium and its Effect on Gestation and Response in Leucocytes, in Adult Sheep at the Time of Anestrus

Leonor Miranda Jiménez, Edith Ramírez Segura, Adrián Raymundo Quero Carrillo and Nazario Pescador Salas.

Research Article

Performance Effects from Supplementation of a Probiotic and Monensin in Feedlot Cattle

Grijalva PC, Vander Poel M, Hubbell AN and Duarte Diaz

Research Article

Effectiveness and Appreciation by Pet Owners of a Cleaning Foam to Help Keep Pet’s Coat Clean and Skin Healthy

Aurélie Girardin, Céline S Nicolas, Patricia Monginoux, Hugues Gatto, Christophe A Rème and Catherine Ereau.

Review Article

How Ancient Egyptians Fed their Animals

Ashraf Sobhy Saber.