Volume 6 Issue 3

Research Article

Effect of Palm Olein on Reproductive Parameters in Male Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

Arthénice Jemima Nounamo Guiekep, Augustave Kenfack, Bertin Narcisse Vemo and Patience Nain Tah. 6(2): 51-58.

Research Article

Production of Broilers Fed Native Methionine from Sunflower Seed Meal and Cowpeas

K Foster, M Mienaltowski, K Klasing and A King. 6(3): 03-14.

Case Study

Successful Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Spirocercosis: A Case Study

Nadkarni Nameeta, Lal Smriti, Dandge Shariva and Karkare Umesh. 6(3): 32-37.

Research Article

Prevalence of Brucellosis in Sheep and Goat Population of District Chitral Pakistan

Kalim Ullah, Muhammad Sohail, Muhammad Rashid Khan and Zafar Khan. 6(3): 35-39.

Research Article

High Prevalence of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Infection Among Abattoir Workers in Kamuli District, Eastern Uganda

Angella Musewa, Kristina Roesel, Damalie Nakanjako, Ismael Kawoya, Ronald Ssenyonga, Joanita Nangendo, Ali Sam, Joseph Erume and Delia Grace. 6(3): 46-54.