Volume 3 Issue 2

Research Article

Horizontal Transference of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes between a Non Pathogenic Escherichia coli and a Pathogenic Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli Strain

Pérez Gaudio DS, Colello R, Fernández D, Mozo J, Martínez G, Fernández Paggi MB, Decundo JM, Romanelli A, Dieguez S, Etcheverría A, Padola NL and Soraci AL. 3(2): 293-299.

Research Article

Serological Evaluation of Salmonella Status in Greek Swine Herds

Grammato Evangelopoulou. 3(2): 312-323.


Research on Heartworm Disease: Are we on the Right Track?

Rodrigo Morchón García. 3(2): 324-325.