EC Veterinary Science

Opinion Volume 8 Issue 2 - 2023

The Theory of Animal Nutrition According to French Zootechnics (1893)

Juan Manuel Cervantes Sanchez*

Department of Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Juan Manuel Cervantes Sanchez, Department of Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.
Received: January 17, 2023; Published: January 24, 2023

This theory was developed by a group of French scientists during the 19th century. It is formed by a series of knowledge that mixes contents from different areas of French enlightened human knowledge and its subsequent evolution: anatomy, physiology, natural history, inorganic and organic chemistry, toxicology, bromatology, biology, calorimetry, zootechnics, etc.

Juan Manuel Cervantes Sanchez. The Theory of Animal Nutrition According to French Zootechnics (1893). EC Veterinary Science  8.2 (2023): 01.