EC Veterinary Science

Short Communication Volume 8 Issue 2 - 2023

Sighting of Goliath heron Ardea goliath from Tarakpur Wetland, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat, India

Rajni Trivedi*

20/c Mangaldeep Apartment, Jodhpur Village Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad, India

*Corresponding Author: Rajni Trivedi, 20/c Mangaldeep Apartment, Jodhpur Village Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad, India.
Received: January 10, 2023; Published: January 30, 2023

The Bird Goliath heron A. goliath is belong to threatened species is categorized as least concern species in JUCN Red list [1]. It is very large giant sized, serpent necked and dagger billed heron, is resembles of purple heron A. purpurea. It’s size and plumage usually sufficient to prevent confusion with A. purpurea, Bird is very widely distributed race from East, West Africa (Scarce to uncommon resident in suitable habit [2]) and South Africa except Sahara and Sahara west, Saudi Arabia, South West Yamane, Iraq, south of Iran [3], Pakistan? Assam, West Bengal (Sundarban) near Kolkata, central and South East- Bangladesh, some records from Sri Lanka [4], Resident or winter visitor central, east and south-east India [5], Resident or winter visitor mainly north-east and central India [6]. The bird Goliath heron A. goliath was sighted in Sundarban 1926 by Prater and coastal area of Odisha. It was very rare and frequent in West Bengal and Odisha [7], previous record by Jackson [8] in 1976 in Sundarban and Banerji. The Herons of the world by Hancock., et al. 1978 [9] had recorded in 1994, he noted that record of the bird is rare - Saikia and Bhattacharjee had sited in 1990 [10], Madge had observed on 13th April, 1994, in Kaziranga National park, Mihimukh, Assam [11]. One more record from Maharashtra, Sangli, Morana district by Abdar., et al. in 2004 [12], another one record is available from Odisha, Gopi and Pandav has sighted in 2007 at Bhitarkanika [13], heron was also recorded again in 2005, confirmed by Forest department. Last record by CL Prabu., et al. has recorded during on 24th May 2010 in Sundarban (West Bengal) [1].

  1. CL Prabu., et al. “A recent sighting and photographic record of Goliath Heron A. goliath in Sundarban Tiger Reserve, West Bengal, India” (2015).
  2. Borrow N and Demey RA. “Guide to the birds of Western Africa”.
  3. Del hoyo J and Collar NJ. “Illustrated checklist of the Birds of World-V01”.
  4. Rasmussen PC and Anderton JC. Birds of South Asia: the Ripley guide (2012).
  5. Kazmierczak K. “A field guide to the birds of India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Maldives”. 1st New Delhi: Om book service (2000).
  6. Grimmett R., et al. “Bird of the Indian Subcontinent 1st edition”. London: Christopher Helm, A and C Black (1998).
  7. Prater SH. “The occurrence of the Gaint Heron Ardea Goliath in the Khulna District, Bengal”. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society2 (1926): 523.
  8. Jackson Peter FR. “Goliath heron in the sunderbans, West Bengal”. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 3 (1976): 608-609.
  9. Hancock J and Elliot H. “The herons of the world”. Harper and Row, New York (1978): 304.
  10. Bhattacherjee and Krishanu. “Sighting of Goliath Heron in Jharkhand”. Pitta (2002): 132-133.
  11. Madge S. “A record of Goliath Heron in Assam”. Bull. Oriental Bird club 21 (1995): 47.
  12. Abdar MR., et al. “The birds of Lake Morona district Sangli (M.S) in India”. (2007): 118-123.
  13. Gopi GV and Bivash Pandav. “Avifaunna of Bhitarkanika Mangroves, India”. J. Zoo’s print 22.10 (2007): 2842-2847.

Rajni Trivedi. Sighting of Goliath heron Ardea goliath from Tarakpur Wetland, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat, India. EC Veterinary Science  8.2 (2023): 21-23.