EC Paediatrics

Review Article Volume 13 Issue 6 - 2024

An Alternative Method to Treat and Control Diabetes Using Vibrational Herbal Medicine

Almoez LeDin Ellah MS Eltouny*

The National Center for Research, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Almoez LeDin Ellah MS Eltouny, The National Center for Research, Egypt.
Received: May 02, 2024; Published: May 15, 2024

After trying to find a cure, or viable treatment for diabetes, on the assumption that it is caused by a virus, the medical research community proclaimed diabetes as “an-auto immune disease”. This revised my original assumptions and began to develop an approach based on the treatment of “auto-immune diseases” based on the theories of vibrational herbal medicine (VHM), on “auto-immune diseases”. The underlining theory is, that there is more than one virus in the composite virus controlling the disease. Through experimentation, over several years and different diabetic subjects, we came to the conclusion that the diabetes composite virus is composed of eighteen different complex virus systems (cvs). The condition described as “a pre-diabetic condition”, is actually diabetes having one or two cvs active, before it becomes above the limit designated as diabetes. We also discovered that there are six different types of diabetes and not only two types. The type depends on which sequence of cvs’s becomes active and that determines the course of the disease. However, type I, the insulin dependent diabetes, begins with four of the cvs’s being active, and these prevent the pancreas from functioning. However, types II, III, IV, V and VI, usually start with two cvs’s being active and then other cvs’s become active. The sequence of the cvs’s becoming active, determines the type of the diabetes other than type I.

It appears that diabetes becomes present if a pre-diabetic condition is diagnosed and a treatment has to be initiated to eliminate all different cvs’s, even before they start becoming active. We have designed a treatment to eliminate all other cvs’s for types other than type I. Type I needs a different treatment to prevent the diabetic condition from worsening. This worsening is due to the activation of the remaining cvs’s and effect the functions of the whole body. This special treatment, for type I, is to eliminate the remaining cvs’s from activation and prevent the worsening of the diabetic condition. It also becomes imperative when to start treating diabetes, even at a pre-diabetic stage.

 Keywords: Diabetes; Auto Immune Disease; Vibrational Herbal Medicine (VHM); Complex Virus Systems (cvs); Shadow Energy Characteristics

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Almoez LeDin Ellah MS Eltouny. "An Alternative Method to Treat and Control Diabetes Using Vibrational Herbal Medicine". EC Paediatrics 13.6 (2024): 01-09.