
Journal Info

Journal : EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System
Current Issue : Volume 11 Issue 3 - 2024
Publication Date : March 01, 2024
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blinded Peer Review
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Current Issue

Research Article

The Second Stage of Surgical Treatment After Sleeve Gastrectomy

OO Kalashnikov, O Yu Usenko, IM Todurov and SV Kosiukhno. 11(3): 01-07.

Research Article

Easy Grab - Removable Grip Adapters for Laparoscopy Forceps

Martín Ekroth, Camila Cajelli, Santiago Plá, Camila Rodriguez, Milagros Collazo, Juan Manuel Sanguinetti*, Martín Cresci, Andrés Fraile, Franco Badaloni and Gabriel Gondolesi. 11(3): 01-04.

Research Article

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease as a Polymorbid Disease

Lychkova AE, Terentyev AA, Dyakonov YM and Puzikov AM. 11(3): 01-08.

Case Report

Panniculitis Associated with Acute Pancreatitis

Omar Bahlaoui, Hajar Lamraoui, Fatima Zahra Belabbes, Anass Nadi, Hanane Delsa, Wafaa Khannoussi and Imane Ben Elbarhdadi. 11(3): 01-06.

Case Study

Primary (Isolated) Eosinophilic Colitis. Clinical Case

Saifutdinov RG, Dvorjankina TV, Saifutdinov RR, Trefilova YS and Saifutdinovа ТV. 11(3): 01-08.