EC Veterinary Science

Research Article Volume 9 Issue 1 - 2024

Facilitating Dog Cleaning by Owners with Easy-to-Use and Efficient Shampoos

Jouty N1, Nicolas CS1* and Ereau C2

1Market Unit Petfood Petcare, Virbac SA, Carros, France
2Global Marketing and Market Optimization, Virbac SA, Carros, France

*Corresponding Author: Nicolas CS, Market Unit Petfood Petcare, Virbac SA, Carros, France.
Received: September 08, 2023; Published: October 20, 2023

Giving a bath to a dog can be a real burden and an unpleasant moment for dogs and owners. However, cleaning dogs regularly can be necessary to keep the dog’s coat clean and skin healthy. Appropriate veterinary shampoos, efficient, easy to use with one hand to let the other hand hold the dog, and with eco-friendly properties are now sought. The aim of this study was to assess the appreciation and easiness of use, as perceived by dog owners, of new shampoo bottles with a controlled release valve and made of 100% recycled plastic. The perception of efficacy was also assessed.

Thirty-nine dog owners, using shampoos regularly, were selected to try two different shampoos: 19 tried the shampoo for normal skin (Allerderm Normal Skin) and 20 tried the dermatological shampoo for sensitive and itchy skin (Allermyl). Both were in the same type of bottle with a controlled release valve. Owners had to wash their dogs once during the test and reply to a questionnaire to assess the bottle properties as well as the cleaning effectiveness. Questionnaires included ratings from 0 (do not like at all) to 10 (like it very much) and multiple choice questions. Median (range) or percentage of responses were calculated.

The bottle was considered easy to open/close by 97% of owners, easy to apply by 98%, and easy to use with one hand by 77% of owners. Overall, 95% of owners considered the shampoos easy to use. The median ratings for the odor, efficacy, foam, overall results obtained, and skin and coat aspects after cleaning were all equal or above 8/10 for the normal skin shampoo and equal or above 7/10 for the dermatological shampoo. The overall rating for both shampoos was of 8 (5 - 10) over 10.

Thus, the shampoo bottle shape and properties allowed the use with just one hand by most owners and an easy application. The effectiveness was also very well appreciated. The shampoos tested can therefore be used with confidence to facilitate the owner’s life when cleaning a dog.

 Keywords: Veterinary Shampoos; Allerderm; Allermyl; Dog’s Skin; Effective Shampoo; Easy-to-Use Shampoo

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Jouty N., et al. Facilitating Dog Cleaning by Owners with Easy-to-Use and Efficient Shampoos. EC Veterinary Science 9.1 (2024): 01-06.