Volume 5 Issue 6


A New Era in Lung Cancer Treatment

Hirsh Koyi. 5(6): 236-239.

Case Report

Treatment of Lung Carcinoid Tumor in a Pregnant Woman - A Rare Condition

Igor Renato Louro Bruno de Abreu, Fernando Conrado Abrão, Edgard Porto de Oliveira Pontes and Emílio Carlos del Massa. 5(6): 240-243.

Research Article

The Effect of Body Mass Index on the Diagnostic Yield of Endobronchial Ultrasound Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration of Hilar-Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy and Masses

Augustine Andoh-Duku, Michael Agustin, Janis L Breeze, Peter LaCamera and Samaan Rafeq. 5(6): 253-258.


Evolution and the Human Cough Reflex

Stuart M Brooks. 5(6): 259-268.