EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine

Mini Case Study Volume 12 Issue 4 - 2023

Pneumocystis Pneumonia Complicated by Pneumomediastinum in HIV Patient

Yassine Zerhari*, Asaad El Bakkari, Hatim Essaber, Soukaina Allioui, Hounayda Jerguigue, Youssef Omor and Rachid Latib

Radiology Department of National Institute of Oncology of Rabat, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Yassine Zerhari, Radiology Department of National Institute of Oncology of Rabat, Morocco.
Received: April 13, 2023; Published:April 25, 2023

We present a case of a 38-year-old HIV-positive man with pneumocystosis and pneumomediastinum. The patient presented with aggravated respiratory distress, cough, and chest pain, and a follow-up CT scan revealed bilateral ground-glass opacities, interstitial infiltration, and a newly appeared pneumomediastinum. Pneumocystosis is an opportunistic infection caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii, which primarily affects immunocompromised patients. CT imaging plays a critical role in diagnosis and the search for potential complications. Treatment includes antifungal agents and corticosteroids, as well as close monitoring to prevent complications.

Keywords: Pneumocystosis; Pneumomediastinum; CT; HIV Patient

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Yassine Zerhari., et al. "Pneumocystis Pneumonia Complicated by Pneumomediastinum in HIV Patient". EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine  12.4 (2023): 01-03.