EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine

Case Report Volume 12 Issue 7 - 2023

Plasmacytoma Presenting as Lung Mass

Amitabh Das Shukla1, Pratibha Singh2* and Rajeev Ratan Yadav2

1Professor and Head, Pulmonary Medicine, M.L.N. Medical College Prayagraj, India

2Pulmonary Medicine, M.L.N. Medical College Prayagraj, India

*Corresponding Author: Pratibha Singh, Junior Resident, Pulmonary Medicine, M.L.N. Medical College Prayagraj, India.
Received: May 27, 2023; Published:Augsut 07, 2023

Background: Extra medullary plasmacytoma comprises 3 to 5% of all plasma cell tumors. Solitary plasmacytoma presented as solitary lung mass or nodule and diffuse alveolar consolidation is very rare. Expression of CD138 is highly specific for diagnosis of plasmacytoma. Treatment of choice is surgical resection alone or followed by radiation.

Case Study: A 70 Year female presented with complaints of breathlessness for 2 months, chest pain and bilateral shoulder pain for 1 month. CT scan thorax revealed massive left side pleural effusion and peripheral left lung mass with bony erosions. CT Thorax guided transthoracic biopsy and histopathological examination was done and tissue showed sheets of atypical plasma cells separated by fibrous septa and these findings supported the diagnosis of plasmacytoma of lung which is rare.

Discussion: Etiology of plasmacytoma is not well understood but viral pathogenesis and chronic irritation are probable contributary factors. Histopathological examination shows dense plasma cells and different level of diffuse proliferation and infiltration with mature nucleus which are round and ovoid are of same size with spoke shaped chromatin cells have less cytoplasm with peripheral nucleus surrounded by perinuclear hallows.

Conclusion: We presented and discussed a rare case of stage 3 Plasmacytoma of lung which presented as lung mass and pleural effusion of left side, with lytic lesions on bones with no lymph node involvement. Bone marrow and other parameters, did not suggest or support any alternative diagnosis. Histopathology of tissue establishes the diagnosis of Plasmacytoma.

Keywords: Plasmacytoma; Extramedullary; Lytic Lesions

Pratibha Singh., et al. "Plasmacytoma Presenting as Lung Mass". EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine  12.7 (2023): 01-05.