EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 7 - 2023

Experiences of COVID-19 Preventive Practices among Hotels and Public Guesthouse Supervisors, Cleaners and Waitress in Jimma Zone Southwest Ethiopia

Habtamu Abebe Getahun1, Fikru Tafese2, Abraham Lomboro1, Melese Sinaga3, Assefa Legese1, Diliab Desta4, Nebiyou Simegnew Bayileyegn5 and Minale Fekadie Baye6*

1Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology, Public Health Faculty, Institute of Health, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

2Associate Professor, Department Health Policy and Management, Public Health Faculty, Institute of Health, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

3Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, Public Health Faculty, Institute of Health, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

4Lecturer, Department Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Institute of Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

5Department of Surgery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Health, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

5Assistant Professor, Instructor of Medical Biochemistry, Department of Biomedical Science, Institute of Health, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author: Minale Fekadie Baye, Assistant Professor, Instructor of Medical Biochemistry, Department of Biomedical Science, Institute of Health, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia.
Received: July 10, 2023; Published:Augsut 02, 2023

Background: In hotels, Guesthouse, there is a frequent interaction between staffs and clients during the stay of visitors, travelers or other clients. This interactions between supervisors, cleaners, waiters and visitors/travelers in hotels and public gust houses call for specific attention and precautionary measures because the visitors or travelers are highly prone for COVID-19 during their movement. This research also aims to identify the gapes on the experience, preventive measures and practices of public guesthouse Supervisors, Cleaners and waitress to Control COVID-19 in Jimma zone Southwest Ethiopia.

Objective: The general objective of this study is to assess experience of prevention practices on COVID- 19 among hotels and public guesthouse Supervisors, Cleaners and waitress in Jimma zone Southwest Ethiopia.

Method: A Cross sectional study design was conducted among supervisors, Cleaners and waitress of hotels and gust houses in Jimma zone Southwest Ethiopia. EpiData version 4.4 and SPSS version 25 was used for data entry and analysis, respectively. Descriptive statistics and ordinal multiple logistic regressions were employed to describe associated factors and control potential confounders. The ordered Hosmer - Lemeshow test was accounted to check the overall model fit.

Result: A total of 399 participants were included in this study with the response rate of 94.4%. The median (IQR) age of the respondents was 28 (25 - 32) years, with a minimum and maximum age of 17 and 68 years, respectively. The Role of participants in the hotel and gust houses were associated with the experience of prevention practices of COVID-19; supervisor (AOR = 0.051, 95% CI: 0.012 - 0.22), waiters (AOR = 0.421, 95% CI: 1.056 - 1.138), managers (AOR = 0.206, 95% CI: 0.046 - 0.915). Status of testing for COVID-19 (yes) (AOR = 0.447, 95% CI: 0.245 - 0.816). Availability of necessary materials (AOR = 4.542, 95% CI: 1.76 - 11.723).

Conclusion: The experience of preventive practices among supervisors’ waiters and cleaners in this study was relatively good but the levels of desirable preventive practices is still low. The variable, the Role of participants in the hotel and gust houses, Status of testing for COVID-19, Availability of necessary materials vaccination status, age category, and monthly income category were a significant predictor factors of experience of preventive practices among supervisors’ waiters and cleaners.

Keywords: COVID-19; Clients; Prevention Measure; Jimma Zone; Hotels and Public Guesthouses

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Minale Fekadie Baye., et al. "Experiences of COVID-19 Preventive Practices among Hotels and Public Guesthouse Supervisors, Cleaners and Waitress in Jimma Zone Southwest Ethiopia". EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine  12.7 (2023): 01-13.