EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine

Research Article Volume 11 Issue 7 - 2022

Diploma Course: Domestic Control for Health Educational Institutions

Fe Fernandez Hernandez* and Efrain Sanchez Gonzalez

Master Degree in Health Economy, Auxiliary Professor for the Faculty of Medical Science, "10 de Octubre" at University of Medical Science of Havana, Cuba

*Corresponding Author: Fe Fernandez Hernandez, Master Degree in Health Economy, Auxiliary Professor for the Faculty of Medical Science, "10 de Octubre" at University of Medical Science of Havana, Cuba.
Received: December 31, 2021; Published: June 30, 2022

Introduction: Health Educational management must be supported by the domestic control as main management activity. This type of control is based on an appropriated economic culture supplying useful tools to health educational managers for the management activity.

Objective: To design a diploma course about domestic control for health educational managers.

Materials and Methods: Were used the inductive - deductive and the comparative as theorical methods. As empiric method was used the bibliographic research.

Results: The diploma course was designed for health educational managers mainly. It provides needed basic elements for a better understanding from the domestic control in health educational institutions.

Conclusion: Was designed a diploma course about domestic control for health educational managers. The applying of this diploma course must be agree to self characteristic from the health educational institution.

Keywords: Domestic Control; Health Educational Management; Health Educational Institution

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Fe Fernandez Hernandez and Efrain Sanchez Gonzalez. Diploma Course: Domestic Control for Health Educational Institutions.EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 11.7 (2022): 25-29.