Volume 8 Issue 3


Evolution and Deviant Behavior in Humans

Todor Tolev. 8(3): 155-157.

Research Article

The Preservation Bias Based on the Context: Performance of Teenagers with and without Cleft Lip within Hospital Context Using the Raven’s Intellectual Test

Rui Mateus Joaquim, Lucimara Teixeira das Neves, Francisco Valente Gonçalves and Maria de Lourdes Merighi Tabaquim. 8(3): 165-169.

Research Article

Are Intracranial Extravascular Calcifications and Ventricular Communicating Hydrocephalus Correlated with Delirium in Veterans at a Veterans Affairs Hospital

Mark B Detweiler, Rathnakara M Sherigar, Geoffrey Bader, Kelly Sullivan, Arline Kenneth, Naciye Kalafat, Jonna G Detweiler and Brian Lutgens. 8(3): 172-179.

Short Communication

Neuroscience for Memory and Sleep

Mauritz Fensham. 8(3): 195-196.

Mini Review

Cognitive Architectures for Emotional Agents

Mauricio Iza. 8(3): 226-228.


The Evolution of the Dermal Ridge Arrangements

Andres J Washington. 8(3): 229-230.

Short Communication

Wellness and Stress Management Workshop

Rachna K Singh. 8(3): 240-241.

Conceptual Paper

Narcissism, Shame, Happiness

Sam Vaknin. 8(3): 242-245.