Volume 7 Issue 4

Research Article

Attitude of College Students on HIV/AIDS

A Felicia Chitra, S Kalavathi and Manjubala Dash. 7(4): 141-146.

Research Article

Participation in Action Research in the Context of Primary Health Care

Luciana Cordeiro and Cassia Baldini Soares. 7(4): 153-159.


“When I’m in My Zone” - A Mystical Event?

Jean Evans. 7(4): 191-196.

Research Article

The Relationship Between Students’ Self-Perceived Assessment of Emotional Intelligence and Clinical Performance Across Practice Areas

Lisa Gordon-Handler, Michael Masaracchio, Lynn Hassan and Amiya Waldman-Levi. 7(4): 215-223.
Vitor Pordeus. 7(4): 208-214.