EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Opinion Volume 12 Issue 1 - 2023

The Source and the Genesis: In the Language of Science

AK Mukhopadhyay*

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and North DMC Medical College, Delhi, India

*Corresponding Author: AK Mukhopadhyay, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and North DMC Medical College, Delhi, India.
Received: November 30, 2022; Published: January 1, 2023

The source and the genesis are differently assumed and stated in the disciplines of humanities and religions. This is yet to be expressed in the language of science. The paper identifies the ultimate source, the axiology of different science disciplines, and their interrelationship with the humanities and the spirit (consciousness). Should this most difficult subject area and the absolute peak terrain for human inquiry be successfully spoken out in a common universal language, the expected impact is huge and far-reaching. We are heading towards a new science of information, the science of life, multiversal immersive neuroscience, depth psychology, deep ecology, life-primed physics, and consciousness-primed biology with an entirely new Worldview that simultaneously accommodates the science, humanity, and the spirit. 

Keywords: Becoming, Creation, Multiversal Musical Code, Code Information, Information Holograph, Life Principle, Dark Energy

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AK Mukhopadhyay., et al. The Source and the Genesis: In the Language of Science. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.1 (2023): 29-43.