EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Guest Editorial Volume 12 Issue 4 - 2023

Reflections of a Psychologist in Interaction with the Chat GPT

Federico Toledo*

Head of the UADE Degree in Psychology, Argentina

*Corresponding Author: Federico Toledo, Head of the UADE Degree in Psychology, Argentina.
Received: March 17, 2023; Published:March 27, 2023

"Applications, fear and bewilderment at the inclusion of the AI”

The concept of health has evolved, and from related professions we have understood that the approach to existing problems can only be from a perspective and integral approach.

The concept of beings biopsychosocial HE has restructured and includes the dynamic and interaction technology as a determining factor. The new advances and the digital age propose a transformation of learning processes, where the analog needs to be rebuilt.

Federico Toledo. Reflections of a Psychologist in Interaction with the Chat GPT. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.4 (2023): 53-54.