EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 2 - 2023

Psychiatrist Decision Making for Treatment of Depression: A Systematic Review

Asima Mehaboob Khan1*, Rizwan Taj2, Aamir Naveed3 and Abdul Wali3

1Associate Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatry Department, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan

2Dean Federal Medical Teaching Institution, CEO Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Chairperson Psychiatry Department, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad, Pakistan

3Postgraduate Psychiatry Trainee, Psychiatry Department Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Asima Mehboob Khan, Associate Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatry Department, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan.
Received: December 22, 2022; Published: January 04, 2023

Background: The global prevalence of depression covers about 3.4% of total population of world. It has victimized more than 280 million people worldwide. Depression has affected the people from every sector of life and every age group. The depression being fatal to the physical, psychological and general medical health is under focus of scholars, researchers, psychiatrist, physician and general population.

Objective: The objective of current systematic literature review analysis the qualitative coherence, consensus and difference of research on psychiatrist decision making for treatment of depression in 2022.

Methodology: The methodological framework for this systematic analysis is PRISMA (Preferred Report Items Analysis) protocol.

Data Analysis: About, 25 papers were initially found utilizing the online PubMed library in the EndNote X9 program; no articles were added directly from any other medium or website. Six articles were eliminated using the custom trail year 2022 filter and the duplication effect. By analyzing the articles based on title-based analysis, 11 of the 19 remaining articles were eliminated. Additionally, the eligibility of around 08 articles was evaluated in full text. Five articles in whole were excluded with justifications based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The full-text papers, which were published in both English and PDF format, included qualitative analysis.

Conclusion: The decision making of psychiatrist for treatment of depression is influenced by various number of factors. It is important for treatment of depression.

Keyword: Decision Making; Psychiatrist; Depression

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Asima Mehaboob Khan., et al. Psychiatrist Decision Making for Treatment of Depression: A Systematic Review. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.2 (2023): 10-16.