EC Psychology And Psychiatry

Review Article Volume 13 Issue 2 - 2024

Personality: Author's Concept, Genesis, Typology

Rozin Vadim Markovich*

Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
*Corresponding Author: Rozin Vadim Markovich, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
Received: November 11, 2023; Published: January 17, 2024

The article proposes the author's concept of personality, based on cultural-historical reconstruction and a methodological approach. Problems are formulated that make it possible to construct this concept: is personality an epiphenomenon, how to comprehend the transition of a person to independent behavior at the turn of the end of the 2nd, middle of the 1st millennium BC. e., understanding the conflict between the emerging ancient personality and the social collective (polis), explaining the figures of “I” and “persona”, the problem of assembling personality on the basis of a “constituent authority”, as well as the proliferation of concepts of personality in the culture of modern times. Since the Renaissance, a variety of concepts of personality have appeared on the scene: personality as the “second God” of Nicholas of Cusa, personality placed at the “center of the world”, guided by his own desires (Pico della Mirandola), Kantian personality balancing between “freedom over natural necessity" and adherence to public morality and law, the creative personality of artists and scientists, the religious and esoteric personality, the conformist personality, the pathological and criminal personality, etc. Four cycles of the formation and development of personality are outlined. The first, virtual, is the construction of a scheme and ideal objects that resolve problems regarding the individual. Second, practicing a new understanding of personality. Third, the formation of personality as a real social and mental phenomenon. The fourth stage, comprehension and research of the established personality phenomenon. Currently, personality is going through a crisis, so it is important not only to study it, but also to work on the formation of a new concept of personality, which, on the one hand, would take into account the existing concepts of personality in terms of comprehension, and on the other hand, would be focused on the challenges of the time and the problems of the emerging culture (“futurecultures”).

 Keywords: Personality; Individual; Culture; History; Reconstruction; Modernity; Concept; Formation; Development; Sociality

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Rozin Vadim Markovich. “Personality: Author's Concept, Genesis, Typology” ”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry  13.2 (2024): 01-07.