EC Psychology And Psychiatry

Short Communication Volume 13 Issue 1 - 2024

Necessary Psychological and Psychiatric Attention in the Patient with Epilepsy

Juan E Bender del Busto*

Philosopher Doctor, Second Degree Specialist in Neurology, Full Professor and Researcher, International Center of Neurological Restoration (CIREN), Havana, Cuba
*Corresponding Author: Juan E Bender del Busto, Philosopher Doctor, Second Degree Specialist in Neurology, Full Professor and Researcher, International Center of Neurological Restoration (CIREN), Havana, Cuba.
Received: : December 19, 2023; Published: December 26, 2023

In this context I will try to review the psychological and psychiatric disorders that may occur in patients with epilepsy, which are not taken into account in the management of the patient and therefore with unsatisfactory results [1]. Epilepsy is a global health problem that requires attention, since approximately between 50 and 69 million inhabitants suffer from it and throughout history, they have been discriminated against in many areas of life, being associated with psychiatric comorbidities, with social, psychobiological and economic consequences [2].

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Juan E Bender del Busto. “Necessary Psychological and Psychiatric Attention in the Patient with Epilepsy” ”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry  13.1 (2024): 01-04.