EC Psychology And Psychiatry

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 11 - 2023

L.S. Vygotsky as the Founder of the Discursiveness of the Psychology of Art1

Rozin Vadim Markovich*

Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
*Corresponding Author: Rozin Vadim Markovich, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
Received: November 11, 2023; Published: December 04, 2023

In an article based on the book by L.S. Vygotsky’s “Psychology of Art” examines the principles that the author attributes to discursivity, which determined the formation and development of the scientific discipline of the same name “psychology of art”. The author identifies and analyzes four such principles: the complementarity of the analysis of specific works of art and the characteristics of the essence of art, the reliance of psychological comprehension and analysis on art historical knowledge, the principle of historicity and the similarity of the creative process of a psychologist with a number of thinking strategies known in philosophy. In conclusion, Vygotsky's approach to understanding art is compared with the approach of Mikhail Bakhtin.

 Keywords: Art; Psychology; Principles; Thinking; Work; Essence; Interpretation; Explanation; Ideas

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Rozin Vadim Markovich. “L.S. Vygotsky as the Founder of the Discursiveness of the Psychology of Art1”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry  12.11 (2023): 01-07.