EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 3 - 2023

Investigation of the Caregivers' Quality of Life in Patients with Renal Failure

Kyriaki Stavrou* and Gülcan Garip

College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby, UK

*Corresponding Author: Kyriaki Stavrou, Psychologist, College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby, UK.
Received: January 16, 2023; Published: February 06, 2023

The care of patients with chronic renal failure is a specialized field in the field of health with significant peculiarities. The initial aim of the study is the investigation of the caregivers' quality of life in patients with renal failure, which arises both from the stress of the progression of the disease itself and from the burdens of care. The main variables of the research, the burden/fatigue of the caregivers and the general health index, are concepts that can be quantified, thanks to the special psychometric tools that have been developed for their measurement. The study was conducted from January 2022 until May 2022. The final sample of the present study is 100 caregivers of patients with renal failure. The need for permanent and continuous care requires on the part of the caregiver's daily engagement, the dedication of hours, neglect of personal needs or social activities and generally permanent changes in his life and daily life. Caregivers are at high risk of deteriorating quality of life due to their time and energy in providing care. The result of the correlation analysis confirms the research hypotheses that the health status of the caregivers is negatively affected by the burden and fatigue they receive from their work.

Keywords: Renal Failure; Caregiver; Quality of Life; Burden

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Kyriaki Stavrou and Gülcan Garip. Investigation of the Caregivers' Quality of Life in Patients with Renal Failure. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.3 (2023): 13-25.