EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Editorial Volume 6 Issue 1 - 2017

Impulsivity and Addiction Symptoms of Internet and Electronic Screen Based Device Use Among Adolescents

Stephen Wai Hang Kwok*

Department of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

*Corresponding Author: Stephen Wai Hang Kwok, Department of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
Received: September 01, 2017; Published:October 25, 2017

Nowadays electronic screen based device use is common in both developed and developing countries. The portability, availability and affordability of electronic screen based devices minimise the constraints on location and time for the device use [1]. Lemola, Perkinson-Gloor [2] found that adolescents who owned a smartphone spent significantly more time on Internet activities and social networking per day.

Excessive time spent on a behavior is probably one of the indicators of the severity of behavioral addiction. Behavioral addictions were found to be related to increased frequency and time spent on the behaviors, and share common components such as salience, tolerance, withdrawal, relapse, mood modification, interpersonal conflict, social dysfunction and poor time management [3]. López - Fernández, Honrubia Serrano [4] conducted a survey of 1097 UK adolescents aged 11 - 18 and found that frequency and time spent on the Internet were significantly and positively associated with problematic Internet use. Yoo, Cho [5] conducted a survey of 73238 South Korean adolescents aged 12 - 19, and found that adjusted odds ratios of Internet addiction increased along with time spent on the Internet.

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Stephen Wai Hang Kwok. Impulsivity and Addiction Symptoms of Internet and Electronic Screen Based Device Use Among Adolescents. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 6.1 (2017): 01-05.