EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 6 - 2023

Homework Adherence and its Effect on the Psychotherapy Process among Persons with Anxiety and Depressive Disorders: A Case Study at King Fahad University Hospital

Rehab Alharbi* and Maan ABari Qasem Saleh

Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Rehab Alharbi, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia.
Received: May 17, 2023; Published:June 19, 2023

Background: Significant attention has been directed toward adherence to cognitive behavioral therapy and homework for anxiety and depressive disorders. Methods for assessing adherence have varied. This study investigated whether adherence to homework improved patients’ anxiety and depressive disorders.

Method: The study sample consisted of five patients with depression and anxiety, aged 18 - 50 years. A single-subject study design was adopted. The tools used to collect data were clinical interviews, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, and participants’ homework assignments. The homework form was tailored to the disorder and was translated from English to Arabic after undergoing the regular translation process.

Result: The results demonstrate that women showed greater adherence to completing the homework task. Notably, educational level it was not influence indicator of adherence. The cultural background of a patient is an important factor in homework adherence.

Conclusion: Poor to moderate homework adherence was observed among patients with anxiety and depression.

Keywords: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Homework; Anxiety; Depression

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Rehab Alharbi and Maan ABari Qasem Saleh. Homework Adherence and its Effect on the Psychotherapy Process among Persons with Anxiety and Depressive Disorders: A Case Study at King Fahad University Hospital. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.6 (2023): 06-13.