EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Short Communication Volume 12 Issue 5 - 2023

Game Activity as a Means of Rehabilitation, Habilitation, Education and Development of Children with Disabilities

Parshonok Tatyana Veniaminovna*

Teacher-Psychologist MKDOU "Talmensky Kindergarten No. 9", Russia

*Corresponding Author: Parshonok Tatyana Veniaminovna, Teacher-Psychologist MKDOU "Talmensky Kindergarten No. 9", Russia.
Received: February 27, 2023; Published:May 19, 2023

p>Game is a natural mechanism for understanding the world Vadim Demchog Every year, children with developmental deviations from the age norm come to preschool institutions. In addition to frequently ill children, these are children with increased fatigue, impaired concentration, poor memory, speech disorders, mental disorders, increased excitability, as well as autism, epilepsy, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, mental retardation. Such children need special conditions, regimen and specialized assistance. For a child with disabilities, the main thing is the acquisition of social experience together with peers, at an accessible level for him. Specialists: educators, speech therapist, psychologist, exercise therapy instructor direct their efforts to provide habilitation measures, rehabilitation, increase the adaptive capabilities of such children with a view to their further socialization in society. All specialists strive to ensure that the child learns the world in an accessible and convenient form for him, experiences the joy of communicating with peers, discovers new knowledge and develops.

In this case, the use of gaming technologies can help a child with disabilities. Based on the leading activity of preschool age, the game, we can solve educational and educational tasks with this category of children. The game helps to reveal the personality of the child, is a way of adapting his personality, helps to communicate with peers and adults, express their emotions and feelings, self-actualize and help in the study of relationships. Games aimed at developing and correcting the mental sphere of a preschooler help to cope with the manifestation of negative emotions, fears, gain confidence and teach how to communicate with children and adults.

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Parshonok Tatyana Veniaminovna. Game Activity as a Means of Rehabilitation, Habilitation, Education and Development of Children with Disabilities. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.5 (2023): 13-14.