EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Short Communication Volume 12 Issue 2 - 2023

Diogene's Syndrome Alcoholic Decompensation Unusual Luxuriously Overcompensation Death during an Ivresse

Hugues Scharbach*

Past Teacher in Physiology and Psychiatry, Neuro-Psychiatrist, Pedo-Psychiatrist, Doctor in Psychology, LYON II's University, Forensic and Pharmacologist National Expert Hon, Paris' University, France

*Corresponding Author: Hugues Scharbach, Past Teacher in Physiology and Psychiatry, Neuro-Psychiatrist, Pedo-Psychiatrist, Doctor in Psychology, LYON II's University, Forensic and Pharmacologist National Expert Hon, Paris' University, France.
Received: January 12, 2023; Published: January 24, 2023

Keywords: Living Alone; Separation of the Couple Several Years Ago; Alcohol Acute Intoxication; Retirement from a Post of Teacher and Director of a School Painful Experienced Negatively 5 Years Earlier; Inactivity due to the Loss of Function Experienced as a Life's Rupture; Persistence in Buying Small Educational Materials that have become Useless for a while; Dismissal of Interest in Sport after having Won Sports Competitions as an Athletic Subject, by the Exhibition of Cups which seems Obvious; Looking for an Interest in the Collections: For Instance: As Lithotherapy Stones; Death by Conduction Disorders of the Heart Weakened by the Toxic in a Drunken State

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Hugues Scharbach. Diogene's Syndrome Alcoholic Decompensation Unusual Luxuriously Overcompensation Death during an Ivresse. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.2 (2023): 44-46.