EC Psychology And Psychiatry

Research Article Volume 13 Issue 2 - 2024

Attitude Towards Psychological Counselling Among Undergraduate Students in Nepal

Pritika Upreti1, Sangita Prasai2* and Rozy Manandhar3

1Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Nobel College, Pokhara University, Nepal
2Masters in Pediatric Nursing (T.U., IOM), Nepal
3Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Nobel College, Pokhara University, Nepal
*Corresponding Author: Sangita Prasai, Masters in Pediatric Nursing (T.U., IOM), Nepal.
Received: January 07, 2025; Published: January 23, 2025

Background: Counselling is when a trained professional helps someone work through personal challenges. It is a type of therapy that involves a trained professional listening to a person and helping them deal with emotional and psychological issues. In 2022, 55.8 million adults in the United States received mental health treatment or counseling, including talk therapy, which is also known as counseling or psychotherapy. 

Objective: The objective of the study is to assess the attitude toward psychological counseling among undergraduate students in Nepal.

Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive design study was conducted among 145 students. A lottery method from Simple Random Sampling was used for the selection of the study area and total enumerative sampling was used to select sample units. Data was collected using the Attitude towards seeking professional psychological help Scale- Short form1 to assess attitude and a self-developed questionnaire was used to determine demographic data. Data analysis was done using a statistical program for the social science (SPSS) version 20, which includes descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (chi-square and Fischer exact test) to assess the association between socio-demographic variables and family factors with attitude towards psychological counseling. Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Committee (IRC) of the institute. Approval was taken from the respective college before conducting the research. Informed consent was taken from the respondents before collecting data.

Result: The mean age of the respondent was 20.4 years and S.D was 1.196. Among 145 respondents, most of them (59.3%) were female, and all of them were married. Most of them (71.7%) had a nuclear family. Almost all parents were literate (mother = 92.4%; father = 97.2%). The findings of the study reveal that the majority of respondents 68.3% had positive attitudes and 38.7% negative attitudes and there is no significant association between socio-demographic variables and family factors with attitude towards psychological counseling.

Conclusion: The study concluded that the majority of the students had positive attitudes. There is no significant association between socio-demographic variables and family factors with attitude towards psychological counseling. Concerning the findings, colleges can ensure that psychological counseling services are easily accessible to all students.

 Keywords: Psychological Counseling; Psychotherapy; Perception

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Sangita Prasai., et al. “Attitude Towards Psychological Counselling Among Undergraduate Students in Nepal” ”. EC Psychology and Psychiatry  13.2 (2024): 01-13.