EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Commentary Volume 12 Issue 5 - 2023

A Fairy Tale Teaches Kindness: Fairy Tale Therapy in the Sensory Room of a Preschool Educational Establishment

Parshonok Tatyana Veniaminovna*

Teacher-Psychologist of MK Preschool Educational Institution "Talmensky Kindergarten No. 9", Russia

*Corresponding Author: Parshonok Tatyana Veniaminovna, Teacher-Psychologist of MK Preschool Educational Institution "Talmensky Kindergarten No. 9", Russia.
Received: February 27, 2023; Published:May 19, 2023

The fairy tale occupies a special place in the life of a preschooler. Fairy-tale images are brightly emotionally colored and live in the minds of children for a long time. A fairy tale teaches children to dream, to emphasize the main, individual in the image, to generalize the essential features, and enhances mental activity. Fairy-tale fiction is always pedagogical. It is used as a means of educating the best human qualities. The fairy tale enriches the inner world of children, they are drawn to it.

From a fairy tale, the child begins his acquaintance with the world of literature, the world of human relationships and the world around him as a whole. A fairy tale for a child is nothing more than a means of comprehending life, a way of knowing, comprehending certain life phenomena, the moral attitudes of society.

In every fairy tale there is a moral that a child needs, because he must determine his place in life, learn the moral and ethical norms of behavior in society.

  1. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva TD. “The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy”. St. Petersburg: "Zlatoust" (1998): 352.

Parshonok Tatyana Veniaminovna. A Fairy Tale Teaches Kindness: Fairy Tale Therapy in the Sensory Room of a Preschool Educational Establishment. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.5 (2023): 35-37.