EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 2 - 2023

The Problem of Fentanyl in Mexico, beyond its Consumption

Cesar Augusto Carracoza Venegas*

Research and Graduate Division, FES Iztacala: UNAM, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Cesar Augusto Carracoza Venegas, Research and Graduate Division, FES Iztacala: UNAM, Mexico.
Received: January 04, 2023; Published: January 30, 2023

This paper presents information about the biochemical characteristics of fentanyl, as well as its effects on the nervous system, at a cognitive and behavioral level. It also briefly discusses the most effective forms of treatment to date, a combination of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy, for which not much evidence-based research is reported, because not enough exists yet.

A brief account of the emergence of opiates in the United States is made, which after a few decades would open the door to fentanyl and its unfortunate consequences for its consumption. It is mentioned how fentanyl is currently introduced mainly from Mexico, since its chemical precursors are shipped from China and India, mainly.

It also relates how the transfer of fentanyl made in Mexican laboratories is carried out, particularly by the drug cartels, at the same time that its consumption in Mexico begins to be a public health problem, especially in the border states with USA.

It is briefly stated that in Mexico there is a lack of public health policies in many aspects, one of them addictions, and of resources and specialists in the treatment of fentanyl consumption in particular. Civil associations do not have government resources, but their opposition and carry out their work thanks to international financial support, mainly from the United States and Canada.

It is concluded that the solution to this epidemic must be shared by the countries involved (United States and Mexico), changing the punitive approach and blaming the other, for one of joint collaboration, in which the implementation of possible strategies is a responsibility shared.

Keywords: Fentanyl; Overdose; Treatment; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Drug Trafficking

Cesar Augusto Carracoza Venegas. The Problem of Fentanyl in Mexico, beyond its Consumption. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 12.2 (2023): 58-63.