1Pediatric Emergency Medicine, MCH Ahsaa KSA, Ahsaa, Saudi Arabia
2Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Moh, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
3Pediatric, Minstry of Health, Alhofuf, Saudi Arabia
4Pediatrics, Almoosa Specialist Hospital, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
5Pediatric Emergency Medicine, MCH-alahsa/KAUH, HOFUF, Saudi Arabia
6Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Maternity and Childern Hospital Al hofuf, Alhofuf, Saudi Arabia
Background: Concussions are one of the most prevalent types of head injuries among children. Children’s concussions represent a significant proportion of emergency department visits. Most children’s concussions resolve within a month without secondary complications. However, early management should be performed to avoid further complications and consequences. Therefore, parents should have sufficient knowledge regarding children’s concussions when caring for children, and pediatric emergency physicians should adequately understand the diagnosis and management of children’s concussions to ensure better outcomes.
Aim: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of children’s concussions, as well as the knowledge among parents and pediatric emergency physicians of children’s concussions, by reviewing previous original studies on this subject.
Methods: For this systematic review, we searched PubMed, Elsevier, Science Direct, and Google Scholar databases for studies related to the current subject. The keywords used in this search process included “pediatric”, “physicians”, “emergency”, “prevalence”, “knowledge”, “parents”, “prevalence”, and “awareness.” The study’s inclusion criteria were original, English-language articles that focused on the examined topic whose full text was available.
Results: In total, 11 articles were eligible for inclusion, and they involved a total of 26,046 participants. The majority of these studies were focused on parents’ knowledge, followed by the prevalence of children’s concussions and then pediatric emergency physicians’ knowledge.
Conclusion: The prevalence of children’s concussions in the reviewed studies was similar to that found in previous reports, and parents’ knowledge was good; however, pediatric emergency physicians’ knowledge contained many gaps that can be improved by the establishment of educational programs.
Keywords: Brain Concussion; Concussion; Parents; Pediatric Emergency Physicians; Pediatrics; Knowledge; Prevalence
Mahdi Alsuwailem., et al. "The Perception and the Prevelance of Pediatric Concussion and Related Knowledge among Parents and Pediatric Emergency Physicians: A Systematic Review". EC Paediatrics 13.3 (2024): 01-10.
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