EC Paediatrics

Guest Editorial Volume 13 Issue 3 - 2024

The Fundamental Importance of Breastfeeding: Beyond Nutrition

Carlos Sanchez Salguero*

Pediatric Consultant, Mediclinic City Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

*Corresponding Author: Carlos Sanchez Salguero, Pediatric Consultant, Mediclinic City Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Received: January 19, 2024; Published: February 07, 2024

Breastfeeding, an act that has accompanied humanity since time immemorial, stands as one of the most essential and transcendental experiences for the development of a human being. It is not simply the transfer of nutrients from a mother to her child, but a multidimensional process ranging from nutrition to the establishment of deep emotional bonds. Science has repeatedly demonstrated the myriad benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mother, yet the importance of this practice remains underestimated in many parts of the world. In this editorial, we will explore the key aspects that make breastfeeding a cornerstone of infant health and well-being, as well as the challenges facing its promotion globally.

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Carlos Sanchez Salguero. "The Fundamental Importance of Breastfeeding: Beyond Nutrition". EC Paediatrics 13.3 (2024): 01-03.