EC Paediatrics

Short Communication Volume 12 Issue 7 - 2023

The Forgotten of Neonatal Resuscitation

Salvatori Laetitia*

France 91 Essonne, France

*Corresponding Author: Salvatori Laetitia, France 91 Essonne, France.
Received: June 16, 2023; Published: June 29, 2023

In my experience as a nurse in this department, I have observed that a lot of things are done for premature babies in connection with associations. Like notebooks, photos for the first kilo, the first bath etc... People have a representation of this service that is not realistic since they think that there are only premature babies but there are still many full-term babies. During these years, I have been in contact with many families who were affected by therapeutic hypothermia. I wondered about the support of these families and how we could improve their living conditions. I want to do some research to be able to offer parent-baby hugs so that it creates a deeper contact. In Canada they started a similar project that did not happen in France.

Thanks to anaesthetist resuscitators, the sedations that are used in the baby in hypothermia are not suitable and harmful to him. In other countries such as England, vigil hypothermia is a therapy that seems to work. In France, some services are starting to do so. Vigil hypothermia is a cooling of the baby to 33.5°C but it has no deep sedation just a morphine analgesic level 3. So, without this deep sedation babies do not need to be intubated, which would have benefits on the benchmarks (positive or negative) of brain activity as well as a better parent-child attachment.

Salvatori Laetitia. The Forgotten of Neonatal Resuscitation. EC Paediatrics 12.7 (2023): 16-17.