EC Paediatrics

Guest Editorial Volume 12 Issue 5 - 2023

Streptococcal Throat Infection Increasing Rates!!

Marian Kamal Hendy*

Specialist Pediatrician, Medcare Medical Centres and Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

*Corresponding Author: Marian Kamal Hendy, Specialist Pediatrician, Medcare Medical Centres and Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Received: April 27, 2023; Published: April 29, 2023

Group A strep bacteria is responsible for various illnesses, with different presentations and severity, some of them are mild as sore throat and fever or skin infection as Impetigo, moderate cases can be as scarlet fever, but others are invasive, which means that germs invade other parts of the body. When this happens, disease is usually very severe and needs a special care in the hospital and even can be lethal in some cases. Necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome are examples of iGAS (invasive group A streptococcal infection).

How can we get the infection?

Group A strep bacteria are very contagious, transmittable to others through:

  • Respiratory droplets, that can spread while talking, coughing or sneezing.
  • Direct contact, by touching the infected skin lesions (impetigo).

Marian Kamal Hendy. Streptococcal Throat Infection Increasing Rates!!. EC Paediatrics 12.5 (2023): 67-68.