EC Paediatrics

Review Article Volume 13 Issue 7 - 2024

Still Unsafe Human Error New Prospective

Abdulnasser Ahmed Skheita*

Pediatric Consultant, Head of Pediatric Department, Hotat Bani Tamim General Hospital, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Abdulnasser Ahmed Skheita, Pediatric Consultant, Head of Pediatric Department, Medical Director, Hotat Bani Tamim General Hospital, Saudi Arabia.
Received: June 20, 2024; Published: June 28, 2024

The concept of human “error” was central to patient safety rise to prominence.

Unfortunately, health care developed only a very limited understanding of complex body of work that itself has been evolving over time.

Its limited view was characterized by a pair of ideas.

First: The rational deliberation was not only fundamental but also normative. [Means the best way to perceive the world and choose actions in it]. This was accompanied by a metaphorical view of the mind as an information-processing computer.

Second: The human beings are typically not very good at rational thinking, they are fundamentally flawed as information processors.

Exploring the development of the concept of “error” demonstrates the narrowness of patient safety understanding.

 Keywords: Error; Patient Safety; Flawed

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Abdulnasser Ahmed Skheita. "Still Unsafe Human Error New Prospective". EC Paediatrics 13.7 (2024): 01-16.