EC Paediatrics

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 3 - 2023

Retained Primitive Reflexes and its Effects on School Students

Sathish Chandra Segar*

Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Qatar Institute for Speech and Hearing, Doha, Qatar

*Corresponding Author: Sathish Chandra Segar, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Qatar Institute for Speech and Hearing, Doha, Qatar.
Received: February 17, 2023; Published: February 27, 2023

Primitive reflexes are survival responses necessary for infants’ health and safety and are the foundation for higher motor skills. While they usually integrate a year or two after birth, there are instances when these reflexes stay retained. The retention of primitive reflexes often indicates a higher probability of a disruption/delay in motor and cognitive-emotional development. This disruption/delay can be observed in a school setting and can negatively impact a student’s academic performance and behavior in school.

There is significant research on the impact of retained primitive reflexes, but there is a gap in research about understanding the root cause of the academic and behavioral difficulties of the students in the classroom. Additional research has also found that many educators would benefit from education on retained primitive reflexes, as many are unaware of retained primitive reflexes and their effects on students [1,2].

This article aims to promote awareness of the effects of retained primitive reflexes in a school setting. Occupational therapists who have special training on reflex integration can work with students with retained primitive reflexes as they possess the medical and background knowledge on how retained primitive reflexes affect the body and have a dense understanding of fine and gross motor skills development. Additionally, they can analyze how delays in typical development caused by the effects of retained primitive reflexes interfere with occupations (or everyday activities), including school tasks. The below six retained reflexes are usually considered the root cause of students’ academic performance are Moro reflex, TLR, ATNR, STNR, SG and Palmar reflex. This article intends to provide awareness and education, to teachers and parents to understand, identify, and help integrate of retained primitive reflexes to improve students’ academic performance.

Keywords: Primitive Reflexes; Retained Reflexes; Cognition and Emotion; School Performance Fine and Gross Motor Skill; Reflex Integration; Occupational Therapist

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Sathish Chandra Segar. Retained Primitive Reflexes and its Effects on School Students. EC Paediatrics 12.3 (2023):56-59.