EC Paediatrics

Mini Review Volume 12 Issue 12 - 2023

Reflections of Children Caught in the Crossfires from the Fading Mirrors of Humanity: Whose Fault? Whose Gain? Whose Responsibility?

Akeem Opeyemi Akinbode*

Family Medicine Department, Federal Medical Centre, Birnin-kebbi, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Akeem Opeyemi Akinbode, Family Medicine Department, Federal Medical Centre, Birnin-kebbi, Nigeria.
Received: November 09, 2023; Published: November 24, 2023

As the world continues to experience conflicts and wars perpetually at different times and in diverse places globally, vulnerable populations especially children become deprived of their supposedly-uninterrupted human rights. The health and lives of children are often trampled upon during the un-natural disasters like conflicts and wars which are triggered and executed by adults who vie for power, wealth, or ego. Children need special protection in conflict and war- turned zones where they are often caught in the crossfires of starvation, disease, abuse, and even bullets. A look at the mirrors of humanity within the perimeters of conflict- and war-ravaged places, undoubtedly reflects helpless children in confusion, while experiencing de-humanization as they fade away as they are being watched and neglected to face an undeserving destiny imposed on them by their human predators, who should be their protectors.

This opinion essay aims to stimulate the urgent, and not-to-be negotiated need for all stakeholders in all nooks and crannies across the world to ensure the protection of all children in conflict- and war- turned places.

 Keywords: Reflections of Children; Crossfires; Fading Mirrors; Humanity

  1. United Nations Children Fund. More than 300,000 grave violations against children in conflict verified worldwide in past 18 years. [online] Accessed 8 November (2023). Available at:

Akeem Opeyemi Akinbode. "Reflections of Children Caught in the Crossfires from the Fading Mirrors of Humanity: Whose Fault? Whose Gain? Whose Responsibility?". EC Paediatrics 12.12 (2023): 01-03.