EC Paediatrics

Review Article Volume 13 Issue 3 - 2024

Physical Therapy in Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases

Djohra Hadef*, Rahma Otmani and Imane Madoui

Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Center Benflis Touhami, Batna, Algeria

*Corresponding Author: Djohra Hadef, Faculty of Medicine, Batna 2 University, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Center of Batna, Algeria.
Received: January 29, 2024; Published: February 16, 2024

Rehabilitation in children's systemic and joint diseases requires a good understanding of the evolution of the inflammatory process, as well as of treatment-related complications. The aim of physical therapy is to keep or restore joint function and alignment as much as possible and to achieve a normal pattern of mobility. Early rehabilitation is one of the ways of preserving the child's functional future, and the actions taken are preventive, curative and palliative. Rehabilitative care requires a trusting relationship between each member of the therapeutic team, the child and his or her family. Treatment is long, difficult and painful, particularly during inflammatory flare-ups. Rehabilitation must be carried out by experienced professionals with a well-defined program.

 Keywords: Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases (PRDs); Physical Therapy; Rehabilitation

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Djohra Hadef., et al. "Physical Therapy in Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases". EC Paediatrics 13.3 (2024): 01-05.